
1 locator player freez

cbara opened this issue · 6 comments

Player does not play video with only 1 .webm locator in Chrome. It seams to be loading forever. On refresh sometimes the video starts, but the behavior is unpredictable.

Which video is there that can be used for testing? Could you send the whole URI for the player?

The video you linked has no webm but an mp4 video. My observation is that it freezes for 20~30 seconds, then it plays. (Version 26.0.1410.28 beta) I couldn't figure out what in that long time happens, though, it seems that video.js initializes the video.

Yes, the yoovis videos are .mp4 but the Golden Gate is .webm and on my machine (widows 7 64 bit+ chrome 25.0.1364.172 m) it doesn't load at all. Sometimes, however it behaves like you observed. In firefox the player is slow with every video, but these 1 locator videos, play. It seams that the "currentSource" is empty after calling the "LIMEPlayer.VideoPlayerInit" function in ""

Yep, I saw that, funny thing that happens only if there's only one source defined. Could be a video.js bug. I just changed .currentSource(), taking the .currentSrc property of the html5 video element if available. That part should work now. But I don't think that's related to the freezing problem.

This is fixed already.