
Controller should handle region overlapping

tkurz opened this issue · 1 comments

If there are 2 overlapping regions that should be displayed as video overlay, the controller must have some kind of strategy. It is okay for milestone 2 to have a very simple algorithm (first come, first served or priority rank ).

Temporal overlaps: On the timeline we have a marker at the beginning of an annotation. If you click on it, it jumps to that time point. So for this case this issue is not relevant.

Spacial overlaps: At the moment we don't have a specific kind of interaction with the spacial annotation rectangles, they are only markers. When they overlap, you'll see both. If there'll be relevant interaction pattern defined, like mouseover over the overlapped area you'll "interact" the one that came later. I guess this is not far from the expected behaviour.

So for me, this issue is closable.