Project to demonstrate how PushGateway interacts with Spring Integration on shutdown

This repository is a sandbox for demonstrating an issue we ( ran into when using the Prometheus push gateway in combination with Spring Integration. We use Micrometer in combination with Prometheus within our Spring Cloud Tasks and since these are often transient, short running applications we use push gateway to publish these metrics (and we have configured the push gateway client to push metrics on shutdown).

This is a simple spring cloud task application that is configured to create a spring integration flow to/from a Rabbit queue. Additionally, we have added the actuator, prometheus, and the push gateway as dependencies.

There is a docker-compose.yml file in the root of this repository that can be used to stand-up both Rabbit and the push gateway.

Simply use docker-compose up

Once the containers are up at running you can run the application to reproduce the problem.

You can fix the issue by triggering the "push on close" by listening for a ContextClosedEvent which is triggered before beans are destroyed. This repository includes a fix similar to what we are using in our production code. To enable the fix you can set the property push-gateway-fix.enabled to true within the application.yml file:

src/main/resources/application.yml @ Line 26-27
  enabled: false

The "fix" is creating a customized version of the PrometheusPushGatewayManager so that the default provided by Spring Boot will back off. We first disable the destroy method from being registered with the container:

src/main/java/com/example/demo/ @ Line 41

And in the custom gateway manager we trigger shutdown via a ContextClosedEvent:

src/main/java/com/example/demo/ @ Line 24
	public void shutdown(ContextClosedEvent event) {

If the application is shutting down, the push gateway will throw an exception when it attempts to get the meters registered by Spring Integration. This is happening because the PrometheusPushGatewayManager.shutdown() method is being called by the container when destroying beans and some/all of the MessageChannel beans have already been destroyed. We were able to fix this on our end by overriding the PrometheusPushGatewayManager, disabling the destroy method and instead registering an EventListener for the ContextClosedEvent.

This is an example of the exception being thrown on shutdown:

2020-08-20 12:54:27.020  WARN 83913 --- [           main] i.m.c.instrument.internal.DefaultGauge   : Failed to apply the value function for the gauge 'spring.integration.channels'. Note that subsequent logs will be logged at debug level.

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationNotAllowedException: Error creating bean with name 'nullChannel': Singleton bean creation not allowed while singletons of this factory are in destruction (Do not request a bean from a BeanFactory in a destroy method implementation!)
	at ~[spring-beans-5.2.8.RELEASE.jar:5.2.8.RELEASE]
	at ~[spring-beans-5.2.8.RELEASE.jar:5.2.8.RELEASE]
	at ~[spring-beans-5.2.8.RELEASE.jar:5.2.8.RELEASE]
	at ~[spring-beans-5.2.8.RELEASE.jar:5.2.8.RELEASE]
	at ~[spring-beans-5.2.8.RELEASE.jar:5.2.8.RELEASE]
	at ~[spring-context-5.2.8.RELEASE.jar:5.2.8.RELEASE]
	at org.springframework.integration.config.IntegrationManagementConfigurer.lambda$registerComponentGauges$1( ~[spring-integration-core-5.3.2.RELEASE.jar:5.3.2.RELEASE]
	at io.micrometer.core.instrument.internal.DefaultGauge.value( ~[micrometer-core-1.5.4.jar:1.5.4]
	at io.micrometer.prometheus.PrometheusMeterRegistry.lambda$newGauge$5( ~[micrometer-registry-prometheus-1.5.4.jar:1.5.4]
	at io.micrometer.prometheus.MicrometerCollector.collect( ~[micrometer-registry-prometheus-1.5.4.jar:1.5.4]
	at io.prometheus.client.CollectorRegistry$MetricFamilySamplesEnumeration.findNextElement( ~[simpleclient-0.9.0.jar:na]
	at io.prometheus.client.CollectorRegistry$MetricFamilySamplesEnumeration.nextElement( ~[simpleclient-0.9.0.jar:na]
	at io.prometheus.client.CollectorRegistry$MetricFamilySamplesEnumeration.nextElement( ~[simpleclient-0.9.0.jar:na]
	at io.prometheus.client.exporter.common.TextFormat.write004( ~[simpleclient_common-0.8.1.jar:na]
	at io.prometheus.client.exporter.PushGateway.doRequest( ~[simpleclient_pushgateway-0.9.0.jar:na]
	at io.prometheus.client.exporter.PushGateway.pushAdd( ~[simpleclient_pushgateway-0.9.0.jar:na]
	at org.springframework.boot.actuate.metrics.export.prometheus.PrometheusPushGatewayManager.push( ~[spring-boot-actuator-2.3.3.RELEASE.jar:2.3.3.RELEASE]
	at org.springframework.boot.actuate.metrics.export.prometheus.PrometheusPushGatewayManager.shutdown( ~[spring-boot-actuator-2.3.3.RELEASE.jar:2.3.3.RELEASE]
	at org.springframework.boot.actuate.metrics.export.prometheus.PrometheusPushGatewayManager.shutdown( ~[spring-boot-actuator-2.3.3.RELEASE.jar:2.3.3.RELEASE]
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[na:na]
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[na:na]
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[na:na]
	at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[na:na]
	at ~[spring-beans-5.2.8.RELEASE.jar:5.2.8.RELEASE]
	at ~[spring-beans-5.2.8.RELEASE.jar:5.2.8.RELEASE]----