
Google URL Shortener iOS/Android App in NativeScript

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Google URL shortener iOS/Android App

  • NativeScript/TypeScript/Angular 2
  • Couchbase
  • Using Google URL shortener REST API
  • RxJS Observable

Ideas For This Project

  • Continual development (better UI, more secure REST)
  • Serve as base project for future projects

Requirements Before Building

  • Fork this project (of course)
  • Latest NodeJS installed
  • Latest NativeScript/tns CLI installed
  • Create constants.ts in app/providers/common folder. Use this template:
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";

export class Constants {
	public GOOGLE_API_KEY: string;

	constructor() {
  • Add Couchbase by
  tns plugin install nativescriot-couchbase

To Initialize Project

tns install
tns plugin add nativescript-couchbase (app uses Couchbase)

To Setup Platforms

tns platform add ios
tns platform add android

To Run Project In Emulator

tns run ios
tns run android

To Build Project (Each Time New Plugin Added Require Build Before Run

tns build ios
tns build android