Jekyll Resume

1. Install Ruby+Devkit

(1) Use default options. (2) Run the 'ridk install' step on the last stage of the installiation. (3) check installation through ruby --version.
(4) Install package via gem install bundler.

2. Install Jekyll

(1) make Gemfile to the root of your repo if you don't have and add these lines to Gemfile.

source ''
gem 'github-pages', group: :jekyll_plugins

(2) Install jekyll via bundle install.

3. Serve my local Jekyll site for development

  • Execute bundle exec jekyll serve in the root of repo.
  • Execute bundle exec jekyll build if you want to build source files instead of running the website.


Update Ruby gems (dependencies)

Try bundle update periodically to maintain your Jekyll version up to date.

When the upgrade of Gem fail even though the "bundle update" has been run. RubyGems keeps old versions of gems, so feel free to do some cleaning after updating.

gem list
gem outdated
gem cleanup

Watch files

you can modify and test your site in real time with gulp watch. you must run gulp build after revise files in src folder. Install package.json via npm install if you don't want to install devDependencies add --production flag

Install node.js and gulp

(1) check node --version, npm --version, npx --version after install
(2) npm install --global gulp-cli or npm install --save-dev gulp-cli (3) Create package.json file if you need in your project directory : npm init
(4) Install the gulp packages in your devDependencies : npm install --save-dev gulp
(5) check gulp --version