
Web Audio API Playground

Primary LanguageMax

Web Audio Playground - fork: load/save patches and OSC control 5/17/2014

Max projects using this fork of WAP can be found at:



========== Features:

  • Load and Save patches to/from local web storage

  • copy/paste patches to/from clipboard using window.prompt box (just use cmd-c or cmd-v)

  • Control all module parameters via OSC using web sockets and ruby server script (Max test patch included)

You can try the latest version at http://zerokidz.com/wap (for best results use Chrome browser Mac OS - although many features of the API are supported in other browsers and platforms)

demo video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzrvkpc3TZU

Patches are saved in JSON text format

Documentation is in the mail...

How does it work?

If you look at the code, you'll notice its practically identical to the original branch.

Patches are loaded by firing DOM events - which create the modules, move them to a location, connect the nodes, and set parameters - not necessarily in the sequence they were originally created by humans, but in a slightly more economical (robotic) manner.


  • iOS6: The input range sliders don't work in this version or the main version of Web Audio Playground. After some poking around I found that the sliders get disabled in the pointerevents.js code - which consolidates touch/mouse events.

  • There are a few quirks when multiple patch cords come out of the same outlet. Until this gets resolved - there may be instances where it looks like stuff isn't connected, or there are zombie patch cords which don't get cleared.

  • When you change your window size, open the console, scroll, or any number of other things - the SVG drawing functions can get confused about where they're supposed to be - but the underlying audio connections are remarkably solid.

  • Live-input: if your browser/computer supports live-input, you'll get a system prompt asking you to accept it, every single time you create a live-input module or load a patch which has one.

I think that's it for now. Please send me your cool patches.

Acknowledgement: This program was created by Chris Wilson.

March 19, 2013 Tom Zicarell tkzic@megalink.net http://tomzicarell.com

original readme.md from Chris Wilson:

This is the source code for the Web Audio Playground application.


To install the application locally, download a copy of the Python App Engine SDK for your operating system, install it, point it at a check-out of this repo and view the application on a local port using the latest version of Google Chrome.

Alternately, you can simply host the directory structure on a local web server, and load index.html.
(The app cannot be run from file:// as XMLHTTPRequest doesn't work.)