
Resolve issue for No Term from UDP course query

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Zhen had a working fix for the UDP query on this other PR, should close this PR and open a new one with the fix

          Hmm, I pulled the list of all the course ids to use from our production to substitute in `%(course_ids)s` there are 537 courses defined there. 
SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 16384;
select CONCAT("'", GROUP_CONCAT(id order by id SEPARATOR "','"), "'") from course where id is not null order by id;

The query on the PR 'as-is' only seems to return 51 rows, the query Zhen proposed returns 537 rows, our original query returns 537 rows.

So I'd probably close this one and @zqian can open one with her change.

Originally posted by @jonespm in #1499 (comment)

The query fix was at #1499 (comment)

Tested in MyLA beta.

Adding a course with No Term worked. The course was added and there were no error messages in the cron log for the course.