- 0
Populate last_accessed_date in the course table
#1624 opened by jennlove-um - 7
Provide a way to give staff users access to other courses
#1583 opened by jonespm - 4
- 1
focusable div aria-label should really be a bit more concise on Assignment Planning view
#1598 opened by jennlove-um - 2
Add names to Filter by Status and Filter by Type fields on Assignment Planning
#1594 opened by jennlove-um - 1
Aria label on focusable div is read twice
#1597 opened by jennlove-um - 1
Communicate the number of returned results when using filters on the Assignment Planning view
#1593 opened by jennlove-um - 6
Snack bar fires visually whenever a value changes.
#1589 opened by jennlove-um - 1
- 1
Remove aria-hidden to voice aria-label on icons
#1596 opened by jennlove-um - 3
Add names to "Lock Goal" checkboxes
#1591 opened by jennlove-um - 2
- 0
- 0
Add initial support for Unizin Synthetic data
#1601 opened by jonespm - 1
Add last_accessed_date field to the course table
#1609 opened by jxiao21 - 4
- 8
Handle changes to the Canvas IDs from long ids to short ids with the switch to Canvas Data 2
#1548 opened by jennlove-um - 2
Goal setting inputs do not seem to have a name
#1590 opened by jennlove-um - 0
Remove version from docker-compose
#1612 opened by jonespm - 4
change Postgres cron queries to BigQuery quries
#1557 opened by zqian - 2
Log IP addresses for MyLA access events
#1578 opened by zqian - 0
- 1
Switch to storing persistent volumes as part of Docker instead of in the filesystem.
#1582 opened by jonespm - 0
Support also configuring BigQuery in JSON
#1575 opened by jonespm - 0
Disable or fix import-untyped error for mypy
#1576 opened by jonespm - 0
Update the packages used in Github actions to latest
#1564 opened by pushyamig - 0
Rewrite some queries in views to use Django Models
#1572 opened by jonespm - 2
Fix Jest Frontend tests
#1558 opened by pushyamig - 4
Students receive the wrong error message if MyLA isn't connected to data in Canvas
#1540 opened by jennlove-um - 0
Upgrade Django backend
#1544 opened by jennlove-um - 1
Upgrade python/node Dockerfile base to use bookworm
#1513 opened by jonespm - 1
fix wrong GitHub branch in footer
#1542 opened by lsloan - 3
Upgrade to Frontend Dependencies
#1529 opened by pushyamig - 1
provide sample Kaltura Caliper query into env_sample.json
#1551 opened by zqian - 2
Upgrade to latest Apollo 3.8 might have adverse effects on Assignment planning
#1525 opened by pushyamig - 1
Issue in cron when same user has multiple sis_names
#1559 opened by jonespm - 0
(LTI Setup) Cron fails when valid courses are 0: local variable 'exception_in_run' referenced before assignment
#1547 opened by jaydonkrooss - 0
- 5
Assignment Planning: Display the course goal as null when all assignments are graded and students have not set a goal
#1497 opened by jennlove-um - 2
Resolve issue for No Term from UDP course query
#1504 opened by jonespm - 1
- 1
Upgrade to Node 18
#1515 opened by ssciolla - 3
Courses are not editable via Django Admin
#1509 opened by ssciolla - 1
- 1
- 1
need to add more detail as comment to the `metadata` query in MyLA cron_udp.json
#1502 opened by zqian - 1
Remove cron.hjson (UDW queries)
#1493 opened by jonespm - 1
Switch build to reference (Debian) bullseye explicity
#1511 opened by jonespm - 0
uncomment `TIME_ZONE` in `env_sample.hjson`
#1500 opened by lsloan - 2
Console warning from `class` prop usage in `SelectCard`
#1494 opened by ssciolla