While we recommend everyone read this entire document, maybe you're too lazy...

If you just want to see what's recommended, here is the Master List.

If you want to contribute to the list, click here.

If you're knowledgable in JP/CN/ID/KR/etc. and want to help by checking accuracy of translations, click here.


This is a list of great and decent VTuber translation channels. It is a growing and ever-changing list of VTuber translators that we collectively recommend to others. There are some small/unknown but excellent translators out there as well, and we want this to be a way to highlight them! Hopefully, with the power of DEMOCRACY™, we can make this work.

We define “great translations” as translations that maintain consistently good translation quality (accuracy in meaning), often with proper editing and overall clip selection "quality." Their work shows effort and a level of standard and professionalism that respects the VTubers, who are the talents we want to feature.

Some translators seek to skate by with low effort and clickbaiting at the expense of the VTubers, in order to gain internet fame, AKA “e-peen.” We understand that unlike anime and manga translations, these are real people that we are translating for. The english fan community has been growing significantly, and many of them rely completely on translations to understand VTubers. We do not want misunderstandings and rumors to spread.


While the channels heavily lean towards Hololive content, we are not limiting this list to just Hololive. There are two categories: “Great Translators” and “Decent Translators.”

  • Great Translators: Worth subscribing and following. Their videos are consistently both accurate and entertaining. Respectful of VTubers and shows good faith effort. They seek out feedback from peers to ensure quality.

  • Decent Translators: Worth watching their videos, however, YMMV. Possibly might be a group of multiple translators with varying quality. Despite imperfection, you would still recommend them. Decent usually means that with some work or more experience, they could easily become a great translator. We’ll try to provide an apt description of why this channel is not a “Great” one.

We will not be featuring a list of “bad” translators. (See why here)

The names of the groups/translator will be linked to their youtube channel.

We will also feature Recommended Content Creators: significant VTuber-related content creators that are worth a recommendation for their MEMES™, editing skills, and or any other significance (e.g. think Chronakai for meme editing skills and Omiya for remixes).


Here are several ways you can contribute to the list:

Recommending Channels

If you see a channel that is not on the list, check out the Issues page and search whether the channel has been suggested by someone else. Please avoid duplicates! If you can't find them, you may create a new issue using one of the templates available deemed appropriate. Please fill in the template as best as possible (here is a good example to follow). Add as much information as you can to convince others why they deserve to be on the list! In providing examples, try to highlight the channel. 3 examples is a minimum, provide more when you feel appropriate.

You may discuss each channel only in their appropriate issue page.

Translation quality checks

A translation quality check is essentially a peer review by other translators/people who are verified to be competent in the language being translated. These people are usually experienced fansubbers/translators that may already be on the list. We are committed to remain neutral and objective in our reviews (nobody wants drama!). There is no exclusivity in this list. Everyone already or not yet on the list are subject to constant review. This way we can maintain accountability of the quality of translations each channel produces.

If you are willing to help with checking translations, apply here!

Adding checked translators to the list

Once checked for TL quality and passing, they still need to be added to the list. You may fork the list, make the addition, and submit a pull request. Collaborators will check the addition and may modify the submission to adhere to appropriate formats. Do not submit a pull request for adding unchecked translators! Only add translators labeled "To be added".

You can see formatting guidelines over here.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

See FAQs page.


Original Google Docs