
A simple way to run freqtrade bots on a Raspberry PI

Primary LanguagePython

A simple way to run freqtrade bots on a Raspberry PI


  • Raspberry PI (or similar arm boards like Orange PI, RockPI, etc.) with installed Raspbian OS (or some compatible Debian distros) with enabled SSH
  • Bash shell on your PC/Mac (for Windows user you can use Git BASH terminal)
  • Git on your PC/Mac

Software installation:

! From now on, let's say that you have a PI running at, and your username is pi

  • Clone this repo and get inside the project root:
git clone https://github.com/tl-nguyen/freqtrade-pi.git
cd freqtrade-pi
  • Modify the config.yml file. Add username and hostname of your RPI:
username: pi
  • Use help command to learn more about the fp.sh script:
./fp.sh help
  • Use install command to install docker, pull the freqtrade image from dockerhub and move the ./freqtrade folder into RPI home directory:
./fp.sh install
  • Generate SSH keys so you won't be asked when sending commands to your RPI:
ssh-keygen; ssh-copy-id pi@

Press enter a few times when be asked to enter location or passphrase (or enter them if you know what are they about), the keys will be created by default in ~/.ssh/ directory. After that you will be asked to enter your RPI password in order for the public key to be placed there. When it is done, you can ssh to your RPI directly without the password

Add a new strategy bot:

  • Add strategy class file, json config file into freqtrade-with-docker-and-pi/freqtrade/strategies folder.

  • Rename the strategy class file, json config file with the same name (the extensions stay the same). For example: bbrsi.py, bbrsi.json

  • Use update command to Move/Update the strategy files into the PI. It's important to use the name of the files (in this case bbrsi) as the strategy name. This command will move your strategy files to the PI, if the strategy is running, this command also restart it with the updated files:

./fp.sh update -s bbrsi

Start the strategy bot

  • If BBRSI is the class name of your strategy (The class defined in the bbrsi.py file)

  • Modify config.yml. Add your strategy file name and strategy class name associated with it in the strategies section:

    bbrsi: BBRSI
  • Use start command to start the strategy:
./fp.sh start -s bbrsi
  • You can start the bot with additional freqtrade params. For Example: --dynamic-whitelist
./fp.sh start -s bbrsi -p "--dynamic-whitelist 100"

Stop the strategy bot

  • Use stop command to stop and remove the bot:
./fp.sh stop -s bbrsi

Strategy logs

  • Use logs command to see the strategy logs in real time:
./fp.sh logs -s bbrsi

Check which strategies are running

  • Use ps command to see which strategies are running right now:
./fp.sh ps

Run multiple strategies

You can run multiple strategies by repeating all of the steps from Add a new strategy bot and Start the strategy bot sections. With Raspberry PI 3 on Raspbian Lite, you can run up to 4 strategies simultanously

You have to create a telegram bot for each of your strategy if you want to use telegram to manage your trades.