Primary LanguagePython

Histogram of Oriented Gradients setup

Installing Python

  • Please download anaconda with Python 3 from: https://www.continuum.io/downloads/
  • Install it according to your system using the instructions found on that website
  • In your command prompt ensure you have downloaded anaconda by typing
conda --version

Running HOG

To run the function run_hybrid:

  • Load your command prompt (cmd in Windows, terminal in Mac and Linux).
  • Change the directory to the one where main.py is located (as well as Block.py, Cell.py, etc.).
  • Either make sure the image per00011.ppm is also in this folder.
  • Type the following command into the command prompt:
python main.py


The images used in the presentation and in this repository are from the CBCL Pedestrian Database and can be found at http://cbcl.mit.edu/software-datasets/PedestrianData.html.

The following licensing agreement applies to these images:

Copyright 2000 Center for Biological and Computational Learning at MIT and MIT All rights reserved. Permission to copy and modify this data, software, and its documentation only for internal research use in your organization is hereby granted, provided that this notice is retained thereon and on all copies. This data and software should not be distributed to anyone outside of your organization without explicit written authorization by the author(s) and MIT. It should not be used for commercial purposes without specific permission from the authors and MIT. MIT also requires written authorization by the author(s) to publish results obtained with the data or software and possibly citation of relevant CBCL reference papers. We make no representation as to the suitability and operability of this data or software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.