
units used

Closed this issue · 2 comments

i am attempting to use the deskewGPU, and whilst it works fantastically, i wish to fine-tune my results to the microscope being used and so use the optional arguments. however, i can not see anywhere what units you are using? would it be correct to assume arguments such as dxdata, dzdata, and shift are in microns?

For deskewing, what really matters is the ratio of dxdata and dzdata. so, I believe it should work regardless of your units, as long as dx and dz are in the same units. That is I think deskewGPU(..., dxdata=100, dzdata=500) should give the same result as deskewGPU(..., dxdata=.1, dzdata=.5). (but let me know if that doesn't seem to match your experience, and then assume microns). shift and width are in units of pixels.

thank you for the swift response! i will close this issue once i have checked against some test files