Python wrapper for cudaDecon - GPU accelerated 3D deconvolution for microscopy
- AdvancedImagingUTSWUniversity of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
- ajay1685
- BioinfoTongLIWellcome Sanger Institute
- cgohlkeIrvine, California
- ctr26EMBL-EBI
- danilexnBIMSB / Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine
- david-hoffman@10XGenomics
- drjrkuhnKoch Institute at MIT
- eburlingPortland, OR
- fly51flyPRIS
- hadimValence Labs
- haesleinhuepfData Science Center ScaDS.AI, Uni Leipzig
- jacklx2021
- jrussell25
- Jun-LizstInstitute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry (IOCB)
- kkwakwaEMBL-EBI
- kochild
- kushalkolarFlatiron CCN
- LauLauThom@Luxendo
- lukasjarzembowskiSaarland University
- m-albertInstitut Pasteur
- msalvaris
- nklick
- OptoManishKIndian Institute of Technology Delhi
- pent1162FreeLancer
- PhilippPelzFAU Erlangen-Nuernberg
- pierrelzwbeijing
- royerloicChan Zuckerberg Biohub
- sandscruise
- VolkerH
- vzickus
- WeisongZhaoHarbin Institute of Technology
- xiaoheilong3112Heranova Lifesciences
- YuanhuiLiao
- zbarrySpring Discovery