DevOps and Security Class
Class 1 - Why study security?
- In Class:
- Class intro and policies
- Why study web security?
- Look at security models and vocabulary
- Homework:
- Research historical hacks
- Write blog post (500 to 1000 words) due class 3
- Stretch: Present your article in class (5 min talk) Class 2 - Why steal personal data?
- In Class:
- What were the most important hacks of 2017?
- What does the internet know about you?
- What data is collected by your apps/websites?
- Setup the demo app
- Homework:
- Continue working Article from class 1 (due class 3)
- Install the demo App Class 3 - Deploy demo app
- In Class:
- Present Article
- Learn about hacks
- Hack the demo site
- Homework: Work through the Hacksplaining tutorials Class 4 - SQL
- In Class:
- Intro to SQL
- Solve some SQL problems
- Hack the demo site with SQLI
- Homework: Complete the
Class 5 - Hacking the Demo site XSS - In Class:
- Adding the clap feature
- Hacking the demo site
- Homework:
- Add the clap feature
- Hack your classmate's! Class 6 - Prevent Hacking
- In Class:
- Validating user input
- Santizing user input
- Homework:
- Fix the vulnerabilities in your site. Class 7 - XSS Attacks
- In Class: What XSS and how can you revent it
- Homework: Sanitize data on the demo site to prevent XSS Class 8 - XSS Attacks
- In Class:
- Homework: Class 9 - AWS
- In Class: What is AWS and what does it offer?
- Homework: Class 10 - AWS
- In Class: Deploy to AWS
- Homework: Class 11 - Botnets
- In Class: What are botnets?
- Homework: Explore a botnet with python Class 12 - Botnets
- In Class:
- Homework: