- 3
Add ability to open old sets
#25 opened by tlancon - 2
- 2
Add Help menu item that opens simple docs
#40 opened by tlancon - 0
- 1
- 1
Log actual N reps
#36 opened by tlancon - 0
Add action in menu to find cameras
#31 opened by tlancon - 1
Export DB to Excel/csv
#37 opened by tlancon - 0
Round to 1 decimal in lb/kg spinboxes
#34 opened by tlancon - 0
Fix tab order in interface
#35 opened by tlancon - 3
Massive peak velocities reported erroneously
#32 opened by tlancon - 1
Peaks "chopped" horizontally
#33 opened by tlancon - 0
Make splash screen to show program is loading
#29 opened by tlancon - 1
- 1
- 1
Move save settings to menu action
#22 opened by tlancon - 0
Add action in menu to clear saved videos
#28 opened by tlancon - 1
Use minimum Y ROM to filter false peaks
#6 opened by tlancon - 2
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
Move build_filepaths into
#20 opened by tlancon - 2
Keep set/rep history in SQLite db
#4 opened by tlancon - 1
Move settings from json to ini
#5 opened by tlancon - 1
Show analysis propress bar popup
#19 opened by tlancon - 1
Add ability to cancel rep during capture
#16 opened by tlancon - 1
Make save button for settings
#13 opened by tlancon - 1
Tracing on video is upside down
#17 opened by tlancon - 1
Refactor into smaller files
#9 opened by tlancon - 1
Make instructions for use in readme
#3 opened by tlancon - 0
Colorize motion plot based on time or rep number
#15 opened by tlancon - 0
Highlight each rep in timeline plot
#11 opened by tlancon - 1
Add Y/V vs T plot to log interface
#1 opened by tlancon - 1
Move columns to rows in log interface
#2 opened by tlancon - 0
Disable auto unit conversion by pyqtgraph
#10 opened by tlancon - 0
Force 1:1 motion plot aspect ratio
#12 opened by tlancon