TLA+ snippets, operators, and modules contributed and curated by the TLA+ community
Pinned issues
- 1
More efficient evaluation of SequencesExt!BoundedSeq when e.g. checking refinement
#105 opened by lemmy - 0
VectorClock!CausalOrder does not tolerate message loss
#102 opened by lemmy - 2
SequencesExt!Fold[Left|Right] over domain of sequence
#101 opened by lemmy - 6
- 3
NoClassDefFoundError `: tlc2/value/impl/KSubsetValue` in Toolbox 1.7.1 CommunityModules.jar
#54 opened by carl-reverb - 3
Add Functions!Pointwise
#96 opened by lemmy - 2
JSON serialization : ToJsonString
#95 opened by younes-io - 6
Repository's is out of date
#91 opened by jonesmartins - 1
Module override for SequencesExt!Suffixes
#90 opened by lemmy - 14
- 3
Add GraphViz module
#87 opened by Benedicto - 0
- 3
SequencesExt issue?
#86 opened by jackmalkovick - 11
Request: Add string formatting operator
#85 opened by jonesmartins - 0
Add `Functions!RestrictPred` (Filter)
#81 opened by lemmy - 6
Replace definition of `FlattenSet` with `UNION`
#74 opened by lemmy - 0
Redefine restricted `SequencesExt!Zip`
#78 opened by lemmy - 0
- 0
Remove Json module
#77 opened by dariusf - 0
Add URI-related operators to IOUtils
#68 opened by lemmy - 4
- 1
- 2
Add Java module override for `Folds`
#43 opened by lemmy - 0
- 2
- 8
Add Apalache type annotations to CommunityModules
#56 opened by lemmy - 2
- 5 fails when running on Java 1.8
#34 opened by pfeodrippe - 1
Add `SequencesExt!FirstMatch`
#40 opened by lemmy - 1
Add PlusPy's `Messaging.tla`
#41 opened by lemmy - 1
Documentation: broken urls for TLCExt.tla
#51 opened by afonsonf - 12
Bad format of Json trace printing
#47 opened by tangruize - 0
Add an SVG!Table/Grid of Text
#50 opened by lemmy - 1
- 10
Add symmetric set difference operator
#46 opened by will62794 - 1
- 1
- 12
Add `Reduce` operator to `Functions`
#35 opened by lemmy - 5
- 9
ShiViz module error because operator definition override not visible when instance marked local
#37 opened by Alexander-N - 0
Better compatibility with TLAPS
#27 opened by lemmy - 6
- 0
Make IOUtils compatible with Java 1.8
#31 opened by pfeodrippe - 2
- 1
- 1
Json!JsonSerialize does not accept relative path
#24 opened by lemmy - 9
ChooseOne operator
#20 opened by mryndzionek - 5
- 2
SVG!Group expects *sequence* of elements
#17 opened by lemmy - 1
Add SVG!Svg element
#18 opened by lemmy