
Tic-Tac-Toe written using elixir liveview with a fun twist

Primary LanguageElixir


Tic Tac Toe with a fun twist - Built with Phoenix LiveView 🧡

Table of Contents



My target was to implement a Rick and Morty themed Tic Tac Toe game in which Mortys' would be human players and Ricks' would be unbeatable computer/ai players further more I wish to add different personas of Morty and Rick as AI players i.e Evil Morty(unbeatable ai) and Doofus Rick(random computer) that would give edge to Morty(human player).

Further, I think game can be extended by adding different persons to human players such introducitng persons such as Jerry who would give lucky move to players by either auto marking best move or making Rick make a mistake(computer picking random move instead of best move). Beth would make Rick make two random moves.

I got lot of inspiration and code 😅 from fly-app-tic-tac-toe. However it did substantial modification to the code to get it working with the updated Phoenix LiveView stack and fashioned it according to my concept of the game.


Visit: https://rick-tac-morty.fly.dev

Getting Started


Before you begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites:


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:

    git clone https://github.com/tlarevo/rick-tac-morty.git
    cd rick-tac-morty
  2. Install dependancies:

    mix deps.get
  3. Setup database:

     mix ecto.setup
  4. Start the phoenix server:

     iex -S mix phx.server


  • Realtime game play between two human players who could be anywhere in the world
    • Shareable game code for the secondary player to join
  • Game play between Human vs Computer
  • Better UX with Rick and Morty theme
  • Winner celebration with confetti

To Do

  • Human vs Human play
  • Human vs Computer/AI play
  • Added celebratory confetti on winner's screen
  • Spectator mode
  • Complete mixmax algorithm
  • Better documentation
  • Unit tests
  • Further UX improvements