
Readme and examples for the Render Image tool suite for Alteryx

Render Image tool suite

Convert your data into beautifully-rendered images with this comprehensive suite of image-manipulation tools.

The tool suite may be purchased and downloaded from https://tools.tlarsendataguy.com.

The examples on this site are also included with the installer in the download package. They are provided here as a convenience.

Use the Issues page to report bugs or request new features.

Added tools

  • Crop Image: Crops an image at a specified point to a specified width and height.
  • Draw Pixels: Draws an incoming stream of records representing RGBA pixels onto an image.
  • Draw Primitives: Draws lines, curves, circles, rectangles, regular polygons, and arcs onto an image. Primitives may be drawn with outlines, filled in, or both. Outlines may be solid or dashed.
  • Draw Text: Draws text onto an image.
  • Export Image: Exports an image to a JPG or PNG file.
  • Format Render: Add formatting fields (line options, fill color) to a data stream intended for the Draw Primitives field.
  • New Image: Creates a new image with a specified size and background color.
  • Open Image: Loads an existing JPG or PNG image for editing.
  • Overlay Image: Draw one image onto another at a specified point, rotating as desired.
  • Preview Image: Renders an exported image in the tool config panel for quick review.
  • Scale Image: Resize images.