Overall Objective: Predict future prices of various cryptocurrency
- Implement two machine learning algorithms
- Find datasets containing detailed history of various coins to train our algorithm
- Compare performance of different algorithms
Justification: Being able to accurately predict prices of cryptocurrency could enable someone to make smarter investments.
Time Series Analysis - Regression
Support Vector Machine (SVM)
- Widely applied and well surveyed
- Non-linear and non-stationary process
Generalized Additive Model (GAM)
- Application: Facebook's Prophet, a forecasting tool
- Decomposition: Trend + Cyclical + Seasonal + Irregular
Kaggle Datasets
Bitcoin's data at 1-minute inverals from Jan 2012 - Jan 2018
- Attributes
- Timestamp
- Price (Open/High/Low/Close)
- Volume in BTC & USD (Value of amount transacted in 24 hours)
- Attributes
Several top coin's data at daily intervals over several years
- Attributes
- Timestamp
- Price (Open/High/Low/Close)
- Market Cap (Coin Price * Circulating Supply)
- Attributes
- Benjamin Carpenter
- Jacob Pauly
- Shuning Jin
- Tristan Larsin