
A-Frame Tiny Terrain Component

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A-Frame Tiny Terrain Component

Tiny terrain component you can define your own height and color functions. You can also update your location and have the terrain redrawn as the player walks far enough.



remix button


<script src="https://unpkg.com/@tlaukkan/aframe-tiny-terrain-component@0.0.5/dist/terrain.js"></script>


    window.TINY_TERRAIN.heightFunctions.set('hill-with-sine-wave', (x, y) => {
        const d = Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y);
        return 1 * Math.sin(Math.PI * (d * d) / 100) / (1 + d * d / 100) + 20 + 20 * ( -1 + 1 / (1 + d * d / 500));

    window.TINY_TERRAIN.colorFunctions.set('linear', (y, colorPalette, paletteRangeMin, paletteRangeMax, paletteAccuracy, colorCache) => {
        const i = ((y - paletteRangeMin)/(paletteRangeMax-paletteRangeMin)).toFixed(paletteAccuracy);
        if (!colorCache.has(i)) {
            colorCache.set(i, colorPalette(i));
        return colorCache.get(i);


<a-tiny-terrain id="terrain" height-function="hill-with-sine-wave" radius-edge-count="200" edge-length = "1.5" color-function="linear" palette = "#4f654e, #606f4e, #818553, #9b9557, #bab269, #c4bc74" palette-accuracy="3" palette-range-min="0" palette-range-max="20" ></a-tiny-terrain>


npm run start:dev

Publish package

First publish

npm publish --access public


npm version patch
npm publish