Raspberry Pico W powered display for desktop or wall. Can be programmed to show different things. This example code includes showing data:
- Current time (sync from worldtimeapi.org)
- Current weather (from openweathermap.org)
- Current energy spot price in Finland (from spot-hinta.fi)
Rename config_example.py
to config.py
and change the values to your own.
Picoclock is built using
- Raspberry Pico W
- 4 digit LED display TM1637 (used these from Amazon.de)
Circuit diagram highlighting how to connect Pico to TM1637:
The base layer of the case is the same as in my Pikku controllers, Pikku Dial and Pikku Macropad. It fits the RPi Pico nicely and can different configurations on top of it. I designed a holder for 4-digit display and added a front panel with a slot for a glass lens to give it a retro futuristic look. I used 42mm lens from this Aliexpress seller.
You can download STL files from Printables.com.
- TM1637 display code: https://github.com/mcauser/micropython-tm1637
- HTTP client: https://github.com/balloob/micropython-http-client