
RevUp Final Project. A Java program using OOP to store user's responses and displays the outcome of their workout.

Primary LanguageJava



Table Of Contents


RevUp Final Project. Asks users what kind of workout they would like to perform and displays the information they provided.


  • 4 Pillars of OOP
  • Inheritance, Polymorphism (overloading or overriding), Encapsulation, Abstraction (Abstract class or Interface)
  • Must create and use at least 3 Constructors
  • Must have at least 4 methods
  • Use a Scanner to get responses from the user
  • Must contain a switch statement
  • Must handle at least 1 exception
  • The project must include at least 3 Classes
  • Use one of the Collections structures.
  • ArrayList, HashSet, Queue, Stack, LinkedList, HashMap (One of these Data Structures will count)
  • Use a loop to traverse through the Collection structure that you chose and modify, organize or return values from the iteration.


To run this application properly, you need to install:



This Project is licensed by MIT.


Project Repository


If you have any questions, comments, or issues feel free to contact me directly through

Email: tomlazore@gmail.com

or check out my GitHub