How to use iServerToServiceNowExchanger (Working title!)

The application has no interface and is used in Command Prompt be changing values in the App.config and adding parameters when started.


The config has a number of settings, most of them self-explanatory. The only thing to remember is to use the escape characters below when typing the URL.

"   "
'   '
<   &lt;
>   &gt;
&   &amp;


The parameters is typed without the "<" and ">" characters. When typing ServiceSow and iServer, it is case-insensitve. When naming the file, the extention will be stripped and be replaced by .xls as this is the only supported filetype.

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Download to file Either type servicenow OR iserver after the -d. If ServiceNow is chosen, it will download the RelationsTable and the ObjectsTable by using the "to file" as directory/prefix. Afterwards, it merges the 2 tables into 1 and saves it as "to file". If iServer is chosen, it will just download the file to "to file".

-d <servicenow/iserver> -f <to file>

Upload file Either type servicenow OR iserver after the -u. If ServiceNow is chosen, it will upload the RelationsTable and ObjectsTable by using the "to file" as directory/prefix. if iServer is chosen, it will just upload the file.

-u <servicenow/iserver> -f <from file>


###Case 1 To download a file, run:

iServerToServiceNowExchanger.exe -d SERVICENOW -f "C:\some\dir\"

The result will be 3 files in the C:\some\dir\ directory:


The 2 first are the downloaded files and the last one is the 2 files merged.

###Case 2 Continuing Case 1, these file could be uploaded.

-u ServiceNow -f "C:\some\dir\"

This will upload the 2 files:


To the upload URLs defined in App.config:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      <add key="serviceNowUploadURLObject" value="" />
      <add key="serviceNowUploadURLRelation" value="" />