- 2
Append to empty array fails
#9 opened - 1
Exception when create a record with a serialized attribute (active record 3.0.20)
#36 opened by sobrinho - 0
- 4
Default values for Rails 3.2
#32 opened by lcezermf - 11
#34 opened by abstractcoder - 4
- 1
- 1
Two possible bugs > decimal_array / numeric_array not converting to BigDecimal AND unable to dump schema with decimal_array
#30 opened by saurabhnanda - 0
Using ANY operator via arel
#29 opened by saurabhnanda - 2
- 1
Extra single quotes in sql
#23 opened by Paxa - 0
- 0
Benefits from alternative
#21 opened by funny-falcon - 2
Support AR change_table syntax
#17 opened by masterkain - 2
Integer_array fields error
#18 opened - 3
Can't parse string array
#16 opened - 1
Update Fails on Heroku
#15 opened - 2
- 1
Constructs not proper sql on insert
#2 opened by strikeroff - 1
dump doesn't work
#1 opened by joaomilho