GCB CICD for Firebase Demo
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.6.2.
This repo is set up with Google Container Builder to automate build, test, and deploy workflows for dev, staging, and prod environments
Deploy to dev
Push to dev branch to automatically build, test, and deploy the app to the Firebase dev environment as configured in cloudbuild.yaml using a GCB build trigger.
Deploy to staging
Push to master branch to automatically build, test, and deploy the app to the Firebase staging environment as configured in cloudbuild-stage.yaml using a GCB build trigger. The build also saves the generated dist folder in GCS, updates a deploy-sha.txt file with the commit sha, and submit a PR to stable branch for promoting the release from staging to production.
Deploy to production
Merging the PR to stable branch triggers a deploy to Firebase production environment as configured in cloudbuild-release.yaml. It parses the commit sha from deploy-sha.txt, pulls in the cached dist folder from GCS, and deploys to Firebase without a rebuild.