
Example of a monorepo containing multiple node packages

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Example on how to use Lerna, Github packages and NPM in a monorepo


Before you can access Github packages you have to authenticate with Github using a personal access token.

Personally I found updating the global .npmrc file with the personal access token the easiest way, see this guide on how to achieve this.


Ideally this part would be handled by CI/CD(Jenkins, CircleCI etc) but to do it locally you can do the following:

  1. Ensure that the main lerna.json has the following set:
"command": {
	"publish": {
		"ignoreChanges": ["ignored-file", "*.md"],
		"registry": "https://npm.pkg.github.com"

This makes the lerna publish command point towards Github packages 2. Ensure that your personal access token has write:packages permission 3. Run npm run publish this will run lerna publish --no-git-tag-version --no-push which will publish each defined package to Github packages

Notes: This setup will always attempt to publish all packages since --no-git-tag-version and --no-push flag is used, if these weren't included Lerna's default behavior would kick in, and commit changes to the `package.json``s and set a git tag which it can then use to see if there has been any changes made to the packages


  1. Ensure that your personal access token has read:packagespermission
  2. Run the following npm install --registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com @tleed5/foo this will install the latest published version of @tleed5/foo


  • Lerna is set to independent versioning, meaning that each package can have a different version to each other.
  • Alternative to using Github packages https://verdaccio.org/en/
  • Limitation of Github Packages anyone who has read/write repository permissions can publish a new version of the packages