
Send notification emails on inactive feeds

Primary LanguagePHP


  1. Notify uses the swiftmailer php library, swiftmailer can be installed globally using pear:

    sudo apt-get install php-pear

    sudo pear channel-discover pear.swiftmailer.org

    sudo pear install swift/swift

  2. Place the notify folder in your emoncms/Modules directory

  3. Place cron.php in a folder in a non web-accessible directory such as /home/username/notify

  4. Setup cron to call the script every 2 hours:

    crontab -e

Add the line:

0 */2 * * * php /home/username/notify/cron.php > /home/username/notify/notify.log
  1. Log in to your admin account and run database update.

  2. Navigate to Extras>Notify and enter the email address to send the notification to and click enable to complete.