An object-oriented Python wrapper for XenAPI

Primary LanguagePython


XenAPY is Python wrapper arround the Xen REST API. Citrix publishes an official wrapper, but I don't like it because its GPLed and not "friendly".

So I rewrote one, ISC licensed and object-oriented.

There is a class per API object, or currently:

  • Session
  • Host
  • CPU
  • PIF - Physical InterFace
  • VM
  • VIF - Virtual InterFace

Attributes from these classes are lazy initialized, in order to save Xen from flood.

XenAPY is still in an early stage of development, and is currently "read-only", you can't send request others than getting the value of some fields.


You need xmlrpclib, and, obviously, a Xen server.


session = XenAPY.Session("https://xen-1.example.org")
session.login("login", "password")

hosts = session.getHosts()
for host in hosts:
    print host.hostname
    print host.label
    print host.description
    print host.ncpu
    print host.nram
