Foreword -------- This repository contains legacy source code from year 1999, but may be of interest to someone. However, since both clients and server of this 2D online RPG is available, and does not rely on components that are no longer available, it should be possible to get it running and have some fun, or even continue its development. This is the server. You can find client programs from: The server-side part of the code depends on an LMUD driver program. Historically MudOS was used. However, as of 2021-01-06, it seems FluffOS LPMUD driver should do the trick with minimal changes: Please note, the or URLs no longer exist: please use from around year 1999 to access the referenced content. Also, the e-mail addresses no longer work. For contacting the original development team, you can try namhas at gmail . com. What is Majik 4, this mud library? ---------------------------------- Majik 4 is the Majik Project's fourth incarnation which was up and running within years 1998 and 1999. The purpose of Majik 4 and the whole Majik project has always been to provide an actual, working roleplaying enviroment that would be completely player-controlled and self-sustaining, without the need of outside administration and control. Majik 4, the gridmap based "roguelike" version was the fourth try. It would have been a success as a roguelike or otherwise top-down or isometric 2D game, but our ideas required more flexible and versatile system and thus we decided to do a 3D game instead, abandoning the Majik 4 project. This is the newest copy of our Majik 4 CVS tree, with no any code taken away or added, only the license changed to GNU Public License. The project was abandoned when we had agreed that the base code is ready enough for world building, but our designers haven't completed their world building task yet, and as the coders didn't really like the 2D engine anyways and didn't want to stay idle and wait, we begun testing various graphical clients to be used with the Majik 4 server, until Majik 3D's Milestone 1 was released, we decided it is better to build the server from scratch, this time using C++ and Python as scripting language. Why did you release the source code? ------------------------------------ We saw it more fun to release the source code than leaving it to stay on our shelf without use. We hope that this would make Majik's ideas and history more widely known and to give game programmers something to play with and for some, possibly a base where to build a game on. We would really like to see that our code would be useful for someone when it is no longer of any use for us. It would be great to see Majik 4 up and running somewhere once again with active coders trying to make it playable. You are allowed to do whatever you wish with the source, this is our contribution to the Open Source community. The Majik Development Team is now concentrating on making Majik's fifth incarnation, the Majik 3D project, an online role-playing environment using modern 3D-technology and thus doesn't have time to maintain its predecessors anymore. If you want to find more about our current project, or even join the project, you should see the webpage:, you could also send some mail to and tell us if you are using parts of this pile of source code or even building a game on top of it. We would really like to hear if our previous work is still useful for someone. So how to get started then? --------------------------- First you need to compile a mud driver. The library is made for MudOS but should be possible to convert to any other lpmud library, but it would need work, a lot of work. To get a suitable MudOS driver you do the following if /majik is the directory where you keep your copy of Majik 4 and v22.1b22 is the current beta version of MudOS. $ cd /tmp $ ftp ftp> cd pub/LPC/servers/MudOS/ ftp> get beta.tar.gz ftp> quit $ tar zxf beta.tar.gz $ cd v22.1b22/ $ cp /majik/server/bin/local_options . $ cp /majik/server/bin/majik_mapgen.c packages/ $ cp /majik/server/bin/majik_mapgen_spec.c packages/ $ ./build.MudOS Edit GNUmakefile or appropriate Makefile and empty the OPTIMIZE line, see the example below how you could do it. This is needed because our map generator patch is somehow bugging if using optimizations, this happens at least on Linux/i386. $ ed GNUmakefile ed> /OPTIMIZE ed> c ed> OPTIMIZE= ed> . ed> wq Then do the actual building: $ make $ cp driver /majik/server/bin/ $ rm -rf /tmp/v22.1b22 $ cd /majik/server/bin/ At this point you need to edit "majik.conf" file and replace the lines "mudlib directory" and "binary directory" with a correct path and then: $ ./driver majik.conf & The driver should be now up and running and you should be able to telnet localhost 7680, if you didn't change the port in the configuration file. It this didn't work you should double-check everything and if still you have trouble and no clue, send mail to and ask. Building the client ------------------- Playing the game is hard using telnet, as you see, so you might want to build the client. Follow the instructions: $ cd ../../client/ $ automake -a $ aclocal $ autoconf $ ./configure $ make $ su # make install $ exit Edit the configuration file, if you want to run your own server, which is what you're probably about to do now. You can also, of course, use the defaults provided in the rc-file, and connect's server instead, but do not expect it being up and running, it is not maintained anymore. For your own server, replace the ip address and port (if you have changed it). $ cp src/majik4rc ~/.majik4rc $ $EDITOR ~/.majik4rc You can also try client-drac, it should compile on Win32 too, but doesn't include as much features as the older client. In that case just replace the first command in the instructions above by "cd ../../client-drac/" and it should work. Then just start the client by typing "majik4", if you have installed it properly, otherwise cd to src directory and start it from there. If it doesn't work and you have no clue, you can try to ask help from Majik Development Team. Remember to read also the README and/or README.client file in the client's directory to learn how to use the client. Admin character --------------- To make an admin character for you, you need to make a mortal character first, then log out and edit file /data/player/<first letter>/<your name>.o and add a line "security 100" at the end of the file. For example if you name would be "Admin" you would do the following after you have made a mortal character and logged it out using "quit" command. $ echo >>server/lib/data/player/a/admin.o "security 100" This same applies to all the other characters, except that for the others you might not want to give security level 100, just start from 1 and give more levels when you see it appropriate. Extending the world ------------------- As said in the beginning of this file, Majik 4 was abandoned at the time it's base code was finished, almost, still not even beta however. Anyways, the base should be solid enough for you to extend the world. For this you should read the server/doc/areamap.txt file to get some overview of the system used and remember to take look at the referred examples in the file. Essentially to make a new area you would copy stuff from world/hilltop directory to your own world/<areaname> directory and then edit the maps and coordinates to suit your purposes. Then you would add your area to worldmap by editing world/worldmap.c, the add_area() lines at somewhere below middle of the file. The coordinates must be in range 0-620 if using the original Majik4's map which you can customize from world/WORLDMAP and you can translate those to game coordinates by multiplying by 100. Thus, for example Hilltop's coordinates are 2600x5500, and you could use them for warp command when using your admin character. -- Majik Development Team