Drupal 8 implementation at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


  1. Install Composer (https://getcomposer.org/download/) and Drush version 8+ (http://docs.drush.org/en/master/install/)

  2. Clone this project and run from this project's root:

cp .htaccess.drupal-default .htaccess
cp sites/default/default.settings.php sites/default/settings.php
mkdir sites/default/files
sudo chown _www sites/default/files
sudo chmod 777 sites/default/settings.php
sudo chmod 777 sites/default/files
  1. Edit sites/default/settings.php and add:
$config_directories = array(
  CONFIG_SYNC_DIRECTORY => 'config/sync',
  1. If installing in a directory such as http://localhost/workspace/UNL-CMS-2 edit .htaccess and change
# RewriteBase /


RewriteBase /workspace/UNL-CMS-2
  1. Run
composer update drupal/core --with-dependencies
  1. Do standard Drupal install
  • Navigate to /index.php
  • Choose "Configuration installer" for the "installation profile"
  • On "Configure site" set "Username" to "admin" and set "Email address" to a personal address so it doesn't conflict with your UNL email
  1. Run:
sudo chmod 755 sites/default/settings.php
sudo chmod 755 sites/default/files/
  1. Install the UNLedu Framework (https://github.com/unl/wdntemplates) separately and create a symlink to its 'wdn' directory.
ln -s /Library/WebServer/Documents/wdn wdn
  1. Run:
drush user-create jdoe2
drush user-add-role "administrator" jdoe2

The reason we create an admin user first, then create a second account is that the first user in a Drupal installation has special permisisons. We want to operate without that complexity. See https://www.drupal.org/node/540008

  1. That's it for installation. Instructions below are for additional site maintenance and updating tasks.

Update core

  • Download latest version from drupal.org

  • Delete /core and /vendor

  • Replace all files except for

    • .htaccess
    • composer.json
    • composer.lock
    • robots.txt
    • /sites
  • Manually update the above files with the latest changes in the latest core version

    • For example, update "drupal/core" in composer.json with the new version
  • Run

composer update drupal/core --with-dependencies
  • Run update.php

Adding a module

  • Example
composer require drupal/imce:1.4
where 1.4 is the version number portion of 8.x-1.4
  • Enable the module in the UI and configure
  • Export the configuration and commit using "Managing configuration" below

Updating a module

  • Run command to update a module composer update "vendor/module:version". For example: composer update "unlcms/unl_cas" as this will only update the specific module and nothing else.
  • Make edits to the configuration in the Drupal UI if needed
  • Follow "Managing configuration" below
  • Once the module update is pushed to production, run update.php there

Managing configuration

  • Requires Drush 8+: http://docs.drush.org/en/master/install/

  • git pull so you have the latest /config version

  • Make sure your local dev site is using the latest config by running this from the site root $> drush config-import

  • Make configuration changes on a local dev site and run $> drush config-export

  • Commit changes to config dir

  • Do a pull request

  • On production run $> drush config-import

Local devlopment

Useful drush commands

  • Cache rebuild: drush cr