
Code for the ToM evolution in the ICG

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This C++ code was used to produce the small mutation limit results in the paper T. Lenaerts, M. Saponara, J.M. Pacheco and F.C. Santos (2023) Evolution of a theory of mind. The functions for producing each result are part of the main file, which needs to be edited and recompiled for each result.


Repo Contents

All *.CPP and *.HPP files:

  • rangen.h/rangen.cpp
  • ctpgame.hpp/ctpgame.cpp
  • ctpdata.hpp/ctpdata.cpp
  • strategy.hpp/strategy.cpp
  • kernel.hpp/kernel.cpp
  • main.cpp

System Requirements

Hardware Requirements

This code was built on a standard Macbook pro (Monterey 12.6) with

  • RAM: 8 GB
  • CPU: 2.4 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5

Software Requirements

OS Requirements

The package compilation was tested on OS X (laptop) and Unix (cluster) operating systems.

To compile you will need

  • GSL (tested for version 2.6 Unix platform and version 2.7 on mac os X)
  • GCC (version gcc-9.3) on Unix platform and clang on Mac os X.

Compilation Guide

A CMAKE file is provide. Version 3.16.4 was used on the Unix platform. Compile by running first

cmake .

to create the makefiles. Once that works run


which should produce an executable ctpstoch.


When executing ctpstoch without modifications in the main.cpp, the program will produce for an ICG with L=4 the results for β=0.31 and ε=0.19. Changes to the parameters will produce also the L=6 results.

In main.cpp there are 13 parameters that can be set. These are

  • length The length of the ICG (default value is 4).
  • first The payoff player 1 gets in the first step (default value is 0.4).
  • second The payoff player 2 gets in the first step (default value is 0.1).
  • factor The growth of the resource at each step (default value is 2.0).
  • levels Reasoning levels of the individuals (default value is 4).
  • maxlevel Maximum reasoning level in the population (default value is 4).
  • epsilon Reasoning error for each individual (default value is 0.18).
  • betas Selection strength in the stochastic evolutionary dynamic (default value is 0.3).
  • repeats Number of repeats to calculate the fitness of each individual in the Monte Carlo sampling process (default value is 50000).
  • psize Population size (default value is 500).
  • mut Mutation probability (default value is 0.0).
  • scaling Tuning of difference in transitions between reasoning levels (default value is 1.0).
  • cost Cost associated with each additional reasoning level (default value is 0.0).
  • approach type of reasoning process; 0)inertia, 1)payoff conditional and 2) unconditional

In main.cpp there are 7 functions that provide the results needed to reproduce the data in the figures:

  • runAnalytical : this function determines the stationary distribution and other data for a given β and ε (see Figure 2 for instance).
  • runBeta : this function determines the stationary distribution and other data for a β within a range and a fixed ε.
  • runEpislon : this function determines the stationary distribution and other data for a given β and a range of ε values.
  • runBoth : this function determines for a range of β- and ε-values the RMSD with the experimental data and average belief, reasoning, action and misbelief results (see Figure 1A for instance).
  • runNetwork : this function generates the networks as visualized in Extended Data Figure 5.
  • runGradient : this function produces the gradient of selection for specific values of β and ε.
  • RunGradientEpsilon : this function produces multiple gradients of selections for different ε-values.


The raw output files as well as the R files needed to reproduce the figures can be found in the folder results.

The R-scripts can simply be executed in the same folder as the raw data files.


When using or extending this code, please cite :

T. Lenaerts, M. Saponara, J.M. Pacheco and F.C. Santos (2023) Evolution of a Theory of Mind ... The official version associated with the paper can be found here: DOI