
An elm package for a table with the ability to resize, reorder, and hide columns.

Primary LanguageElm


elm package install tlentz/elm-fancy-table


An elm package for an html table that has additional features such as:

  • Resizing columns
  • Reordering columns
  • Hiding/Showing columns


The FancyTable.init function creates a default Fancy Table which an empty list of headers, an empty list of rows, and both resizeColumns and reorderColumns set to True.

    tableData =
        [ ["Red 1", "Blue 1", "Yellow 1"]
        , ["Red 2", "Blue 2", "Yellow 2"]
        , ["Red 3", "Blue 3", "Yellow 3"]
    myTable =
            |> setSettings { resizeColumns = True, reorderColumns = False, hideColumns = True }
            |> setTableHeadersFromStrings defaultHeaderSettings ["Red", "Blue", "Yellow"]
            |> setTableRows (List.map (\d -> getTableRowFromStrings d) tableData)

Because the Fancy Table uses mouse movements for resizing and reording columns, it requires subscriptions. After initialization, handle the subscriptions.

subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
    [ Sub.map FancyTableMsg <| FancyTable.subscriptions model.fancyTable

Handle the updates from the subscription in your update function

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg ({ fancyTable } as model) =
    case msg of
        FancyTableMsg msg ->
                ( updatedModel, cmd ) =
                    FancyTable.update fancyTable msg
                ( Model updatedModel, Cmd.map FancyTableMsg cmd )

To view the table, just call the view function

Html.map FancyTableMsg <| FancyTable.view model.fancyTable


Checkout the example to test it or see how to wire it up.

See it in action!