
Pivoting of DinnerDash application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Stories in Ready #The Pivot

#Lend-io: Micro-lending platform


The Pivot is the first project for Module 3 at Turing School. Learning goals include:

  • Adapt the existing restaurant models to belong to individual businesses
  • Mind security permissions such that each business does not have any knowledge of other businesses’ data
  • Push all logic down to the model layer so controllers and views remain simple
  • Use and switch between multiple view templates to reduce view-layer logic
  • Implement a clean, logical order flow that minimizes customer frustration
  • Practice working with a "legacy" codebase to add substantial functionality
  • Use outside-in TDD/BDD to drive all layers of Rails development
  • Use a professional project management tool to pace and track progress

The full requirements can be seen at http://tutorials.jumpstartlab.com/projects/the_pivot.html

The team was expected to take an existing Dinner Dash project that was created as a final project in Module 2 and "pivot" it into a completely different project.

Information about and code for the Dinner Dash project can be found at:


The live app can be viewed at:


Information about and code for The Pivot project can be found at:


The live app can be viewed at:


After downloading the repository from GitHub, to install any missing gems and setup the database, from the command line run:x:

"bundle && rake db:setup"

Make sure PostgreSQL is running on your local machine.

This project was built on Rails 4.2.1

Run the test suite using: "rspec"