
3D heat equation with 6th order compact schemes

Primary LanguageFortranGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Prototype for 3D heat equation solver

$$\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}(x, y ,z) = \frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial y^2} + \frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial z^2}$$


use field, only: field_type
use time_integration: AB2_integrator_type

temp_field = field_type(u0, dx)
AB2 = AB2_integrator_type(starttime=0., endtime=0.3, dt)

call AB2%integrate(temp_field)


Building and run the tests

Configure with

cmake -S . -B build

Tests are built and run from the build directory:

make && make test

Generating and viewing the documentation

The documentation is generated using ford. It is deployed automatically from the main branch at https://tlestang.github.io/heatcompact3d/.

To preview the docs locally, you'll need ford:

pip install --user ford

Then, from the root of the repository:

ford heatcompact3d.md

You can then view the documentation in your browser, for instance:

firefox doc/index.html


High-level structure

Two client facing derived-types: integrator_type and field_type.

Derived type field_type (module_field.f90) models a three-dimensional temperature field satisfying the heat equation discretized over a unifomr spatial mesh of spacing dx. Type-bound function rhs of field_type returns a new field_type instance evaluating the right-hand side of the heat equation ($\Delta T$) over the mesh.

Type time_integrator_type (module_time_integrator.f90) provides a base abstract derived type for time integration methods such as Euler, Adams-Bashforth or Runge-Kutta methods. Type-bound method integrate of time_integrator_type takes a field_type instance and overwrites it with the result of the time integration. Currently available integrators:

  • euler_integrator_type
  • AB2_integrator_type
  • RK3_integrator_type

Spatial differentiation

Spatial differentation for both first order and second order derivatives is implemented in the differentiate module (module_differentiate.f90). The differentiate module provides access to derived type differentiator_type, which diff type-bound function implements differentiation of a one dimensional pencil, /e.g/

$$g(i) = af_{i-2} + bf_{i-1} + af_{i+1} + bf_{i+2}$$

Instances of differentiator_type are created through constructors <method>_<order>. Currently available differentiatiors are:

  • sixth_order_compact_{1,2}

Differentiation stencils

A differentiation stencil of size $m$ takes the form

$$ug_{i+1} + g + lg_{i-1} = \sum_{k=1}^{m} w_k f_{i+s_k}$$

it is modeled by derived-type stencil_type with the following components

  • nodes (${s_k}_{1 \ leq k \leq m}$) :: stencil node's position relative to point to which the stencil is applied.
  • coeffs (${w_k}_{1 \ leq k \leq m}$)
  • upper, lower ($u$, $l$) coefficients forming the lower and upper diagonals of the tridiagnonal matrix describing the system.

A instance of stencil_type can be applied along a one dimensional pencil

s = stencil_type(...)
f, rhs = real(*)
rhs = s%apply_along(f)

Boundary schemes

Module boundary (boundary_mod.f90) composes four instances of stencil_type.

  • East boundary stencil (first order derivative)
  • West boundary stencil (first order derivative)
  • East boundary stencil (second order derivative)
  • West boundary stencil (second order derivative)

The boundary provides access to specific boundary conditions through special-purpose constructors. Currently implemented boundary schemes are

  • get_dirichlet_boundary :: Returns a boundary_type instance describing a dirichlet boundary condition.