
Primary LanguageCSS

Palpitate - Machine Learning thingy

Build Status

Java code should go into src/main/java. Tests should go into src/test/java.

Use gradle (http://gradle.org/) to build and run the project. Use gradle check command to compile and run the project. This ensures compatibility with TravisCI. IntelliJ (and presumably other IDEs) can be configured to use gradle. Do not submit pull requests before running tests and running gradle check as they will not be accepted and will waste time.

Code reviews/workflow - https://guides.github.com/introduction/flow/ Ensure that you submit pull requests from a forked project and on a specific branch

Travis CI docs - http://docs.travis-ci.com/

FileSystemDataBase can be used to get the BCM data. It relies on the following folder structure <path_passed_in>/Subject(\d+)/BPM.txt and <path_passed_in>/Subject(\d+)/.*close.wav . An example for the purposes of unit tests is found in exampleData.


Git commit rules - http://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/

Make the commit message comform to the sentance. If this commit is applied it will ...