
Docker image for building NMR relax on Ubuntu

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Docker for NMR software

Docker image for NMR software. Running on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

The README with links can be found by clicking here

A screencast can be seen on YouTube by clicking here.

The purpose is to make a container with relevant NMR software for daily processing of data.

Consider this workflow:

  • Unpack data with commands bruker, varian or qMDD to test.ft2
  • Inspect test.ft2 in nmrDraw or start a JupyterLab, and make images with nmrglue and matplotlib.
  • Use the JupyterLab, to write your work process and include images and math text.
  • Prepare data files in JupyterLab
  • Execute a script for relax, depending on the data files.

You now have a Jupyter notebook, with images+math+workflow, which you can share and send to collaborators. See the example section of relaxation analysis, for such an example

This images includes software for:

For deleting images, go to -> Developer section
For examples, go to -> Examples section

Get prebuild image:

docker pull tlinnet/relax

Running docker with image

Link to run reference:

# See images on machine
docker images

Running on a mac

# First make sure XQuartz is running
open -a XQuartz
# In XQuartz -> Preferences > Security, make sure the tick 
# "Allow connections from network clients" is ON.

# Then set DISPLAY options.
xhost + `ifconfig|grep "inet "|grep -v|cut -d" " -f2`

# Then make alias and run.
alias dr='docker run -ti --rm -p 8888:8888 -e DISPLAY=$(ifconfig|grep "inet "|grep -v|cut -d" " -f2):0 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v "$PWD":/home/jovyan/work --name relax tlinnet/relax'
# Run it
# With no arguments, starts Jupyter notebook
# Or else start bash, to start programs
dr bash

Easy run of docker by adding alias to shell profile file

To make this easier on a mac, consider adding this to HOME/.bash_profile

# Start docker, if it is not running
alias drdocker='open -a /Applications/Docker.app/Contents/MacOS/Docker'
# Start  XQuartz, if it is not running
alias drx='open -a XQuartz; xhost + `ifconfig|grep "inet "|grep -v|cut -d" " -f2`'

# Run "Docker Relax": dr
alias dr='docker run -ti --rm -p 8888:8888 -e DISPLAY=$(ifconfig|grep "inet "|grep -v|cut -d" " -f2):0 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v "$PWD":/home/jovyan/work --name relax tlinnet/relax'

# Run "Docker Relax Execute ": For example: dre bash
# This is when then Docker Relax image is already running.
alias dre='docker exec -it relax'

Installed programs

relax with OpenDX

# Start relax in GUI
dr relax -g

# Start OpenDX
dr dx

# Try OpenMPI for running with multiple CPU. Not tested.
# To start into bash
dr bash
# Then in terminal try
mpirun --version
mpirun -np 2 echo "hello world"
mpirun --report-bindings -np 2 echo "hello world"


# Start nmrDraw. It apparently takes 1-2 min to open window?
dr nmrDraw


# First need to start terminal before running qMDD
dr bash


Have a look here, for longer example together with JupyterLab is explained here.

dr python -c "import nmrglue; print(nmrglue.__version__)"

Art Palmers software

# modelfree
dr modelfree4

# FastModelFree
dr setupFMF

# quadric-diffusion
dr quadric_diffusion
dr r2r1_tm

# PDBinertia
dr pdbinertia


dr sparky

CcpNmr Analysis 2.4

dr analysis


First make aliases as described in aliases for mac

Then run

# Jupyter Notebook is running by default.

Then visit in our browser:
NOTE: If you by accident use:, the JupyterLab extension will NOT work.


GUI for working with Mass Spectrometry

dr mmass
# Open mzML files right away
dr mmass Analysis.mzML


To open a bash terminal in the container, when it is running

docker exec -it relax bash
# Or with the alias defined from above
dre bash

Build own image.

Link to build reference:

This will build 6 docker images, chained after each other. This is to save time in the building phase.

  1. Image makes apt-get install of packages
  2. Install python packages with pip and conda
  3. Setup the user
  4. Setup NMRPipe and qMDD
  5. Setup Palmers software, Sparky and Analysis
  6. Setup mMass
  7. Clone and scons build relax
  8. Build the main Dockerfile, with relax updated last
source build_Dockerfile.sh

Restart docker on a mac, if it "hangs".

killall Docker

Delete container and images. This will destroy all your images and containers.
It will not be possible to restore them!

# Delete all containers:
docker ps
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rm --force $(docker ps -a -q)

# Delete all dangling images
docker images -f dangling=true
docker rmi $(docker images -qf dangling=true)

# Delete all images
docker images
docker rmi $(docker images -q)


Examples of use

nmrglue in JupyterLab

First go to a folder, on your computer, where you can download nmrglue example files.


This example contains a Python script separate.py which separates 2D spectra from an array of 2D data in a Bruker data set.

We can use curl and unzip from the container already.

# First make a directory where to download example files
mkdir -p $HOME/Downloads/nmrglue_ex
cd $HOME/Downloads/nmrglue_ex

dr curl -O https://storage.googleapis.com/google-code-archive-downloads/v2/code.google.com/nmrglue/example_separate_2d_bruker.zip
dr unzip example_separate_2d_bruker.zip

Then start a Jupyter. The dr alias is explained here.

# Start Docker Relax Labbook

Then visit in our browser:

Create a new Python 3 notebook. Paste this is into cells, and execute with shift+enter

import nmrglue as ng

# read in the NMR data
dic, data = ng.bruker.read('separate_2d_bruker/arrayed_data.dir', shape=(7360, 640), cplex=True)
# Write it out
array_size = 23
for i in range(array_size):
    dir_name = "separate_2d_bruker/%02d"%(i)
    print("Creating directory:", dir_name)
    ng.bruker.write(dir_name, dic, data[i::array_size], overwrite=True)

# list files
%ls separate_2d_bruker/00



This example is taken from Listing S4 from the 2013 JBNMR nmrglue paper. In this example a 2D SSNMR spectrum is visualized using the script plot_2d_pipe_spectrum.py

mkdir -p $HOME/Downloads/nmrglue_ex
cd $HOME/Downloads/nmrglue_ex

curl -O https://storage.googleapis.com/google-code-archive-downloads/v2/code.google.com/nmrglue/jbnmr_s4_2d_plotting.zip
unzip jbnmr_s4_2d_plotting.zip

Then start a JupyterLab. The dr alias is explained here.

# Start Docker Relax Labbook

Then visit in our browser:

Create a new Python 3 notebook. Paste this is into cells, and execute with shift+enter

Jupyter magic commands starts with %. See more here and here.

# This will list all magic commands
# List the folder content
%ls s4_2d_plotting

import nmrglue as ng
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

# read in data
dic, data = ng.pipe.read("s4_2d_plotting/test.ft2")

# find PPM limits along each axis
uc_15n = ng.pipe.make_uc(dic, data, 0)
uc_13c = ng.pipe.make_uc(dic, data, 1)
x0, x1 = uc_13c.ppm_limits()
y0, y1 = uc_15n.ppm_limits()

# plot the spectrum
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
cl = [8.5e4 * 1.30 ** x for x in range(20)]
ax.contour(data, cl, colors='blue', extent=(x0, x1, y0, y1), linewidths=0.5)

# add 1D slices
x = uc_13c.ppm_scale()
s1 = data[uc_15n("105.52ppm"), :]
s2 = data[uc_15n("115.85ppm"), :]
s3 = data[uc_15n("130.07ppm"), :]
ax.plot(x, -s1 / 8e4 + 105.52, 'k-')
ax.plot(x, -s2 / 8e4 + 115.85, 'k-')
ax.plot(x, -s3 / 8e4 + 130.07, 'k-')

# label the axis and save
ax.set_xlabel("13C ppm", size=20)
ax.set_xlim(183.5, 167.5)
ax.set_ylabel("15N ppm", size=20)
ax.set_ylim(139.5, 95.5)


relaxation analysis

This example is taken from Listing S12 - S15 in the 2013 JBNMR nmrglue paper. In this example a series of 3D NMRPipe files containing relaxation trajectories for a solid state NMR experiment and analyzed.

The code has here been refactored to a complete analysis in JupyterLab.

mkdir -p $HOME/Downloads/nmrglue_ex
cd $HOME/Downloads/nmrglue_ex

# Copy the notebook
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tlinnet/docker_relax/master/JupyterLab/relaxation_analysis.ipynb

Then start a Jupyter. The dr alias is explained here.

# Start Docker Relax Labbook

Then visit in our browser:

Open notebook. Go throug cells and execute with shift+enter.

Please see the notebook online here for reference, and follow it.

Everything is handled in Jupyter

  • The data is downloaded with bash command curl
  • The data is unpacked with bash command unzip
  • The data is arranged into folders
  • The data is analysed with NMRPipe script peakHN.tcl
  • The spectrum is plotted in matplotlib in Jupyter
  • An analysis script for relax is written and executed
  • All data is analysed in relax