

Primary LanguageShell


Make alias to Docker. Point to the folder where the pdbbind data is.

alias drd='docker run -ti --rm -p 8888:8888 -v "${HOME}/software/wcc_pdbbind_data":/home/jovyan/work --name rdock $USER/rdock'

Then write commands for list with 5 PDB

# Make standard with 3 runs
drd bash 00_execute_pdb_list.sh -p 00_5_pdb.txt

# With 5 runs 
drd bash 00_execute_pdb_list.sh -p 00_5_pdb.txt n 5

# With 5 runs, and force write -w and force execute -w
drd bash 00_execute_pdb_list.sh -p 00_5_pdb.txt -w -e n 5

drd bash 00_execute_pdb_list.sh -p 00_all_pdb.txt -w -e n 20

Then execute commands with GNU parallel

drd bash commands_run.sh

Get the timings

drd bash 10_get_timings.sh -p 00_all_pdb.txt 

Clean up files

drd bash 11_clean_files.sh -p 00_5_pdb.txt
drd bash 11_clean_files.sh -p 00_all_pdb.txt

Run docker image on google cloud

Create VM

  • create
    • Region: europe-west1 (Belgium)
    • Zone: europe-west1-b
    • Machine type: n1-highcpu-4 (80$/mo)
    • Container: Yes, deploy a container image
    • Container image: tlinnet/rdock
    • Standard persistent disk: 50 GB
    • Allow HTTP traffic: Yes
    • Allow HTTPS traffic: Yes
    • Management, disks, networking, SSH keys
      • Add from $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
    • Preemptibility: On (Price drops 70% down!)
    • Startup script (Optional)

#! /bin/bash apt-get update apt-get install -y tmux

SSH to box



Inspect docker

The system will automatically start downloading the image. Until completed, this will be shown

docker ps
CONTAINER ID IMAGE                   
8e40cf2035bd gcr.io/gce-containers/konlet:v..... 

Stop running image


docker images
docker ps -a
#stop all containers:
docker kill $(docker ps -q)

#remove all containers
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

Run Jupyter Notebook

Use this alias

alias drd='docker run -ti --rm -p 80:8888 -v "${HOME}/wcc_pdbbind_data":/home/jovyan/work --name rdock tlinnet/rdock'

Then run it


Then in terminal will be

Copy/paste this URL into your browser when you connect for the first time,
to login with a token:

In a webbrowser, write (without https, just http)


Attach to a running Docker

Use this alias

alias drd='docker run -ti --rm -p 80:8888 -v "${HOME}/wcc_pdbbind_data":/home/jovyan/work --name rdock tlinnet/rdock'

Then run bash

drd bash

Open another terminal


docker ps
docker attach rdock
docker attach f9479cca9e9e

Ctrl+p, Ctrl+q will turn interactive mode into daemon mode.

Get data

cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/tlinnet/wcc_pdbbind_data.git
sudo chgrp -R 100 wcc_pdbbind_data
sudo chmod -R g+w wcc_pdbbind_data

# sudo chown -R 1000:100 wcc_pdbbind_data
#sudo chown -R tlinnet:tlinnet wcc_pdbbind_data

Run it

drd bash 00_execute_pdb_list.sh -p 00_5_pdb.txt n 5

drd bash commands_run.sh