
Plugin platform and SDK for Kubernetes controllers

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

This is currently a proof-of-concept, but it really does work.


A plugin platform and SDK for Kubernetes controllers.

Plugins are implemented as straightforward gRPC servers running in Kubernetes pods. Any supported programming language can be used, e.g. Python, Java, JavaScript, Go, etc. The Kplug Plugin SDK (with eplicit per-language support) handles gRPC setup and containerization so that plugin authors need only focus on plugin logic.

On the controller side, the Kplug controller library (written in Go) can be integrated into your Kubernetes operator code to handle the gRPC setup, APIs, and delegation to the plugins.


Writing Kubernetes controllers—especially good ones—is unfortunately very challenging. It requires deep domain-specific knowledge of Kubernetes and ideally advanced Go programming skills. Kplug removes that obstacle. It allows implementers to focus purely on their implementation logic in the language of their choice.

Perhaps even more importantly, it decouples the operator semantics from the implementation semantics. Often these are meant to be developed by different teams of engineers, with different areas of expertise, and indeed from different organizations. Kplug allows both the controller to be extensible (hot swappable, live upgradeable) as well as the custom resource, by using a meta-model that attaches arbitrary "reference" custom resources to the base, agnostic one with additional properties and status to be processed by the plugins. A plugin can thus add both functionality and configuration properties.


You can run this example and study its code here.

Let's start with a custom resource defining a generic relational (SQL) database table, with the idea that our Kubernetes operator will create and manage the lifecycle of that table within a database server. On the one hand we want the definition to be agnostic to any specific database server implementation, while on the other hand we want to allow for those implementations to expose their own unique features for configuration.

We'll make use of Kplug's supported meta-model, by which an agnostic custom resource can refer to other resources using a list of object references. In this example they will add configuration options specific to each implementation: a choice of storage engine for MariaDB and a choice of partitioning mode for PostgreSQL.

apiVersion: myorg.org/v1alpha1
kind: DatabaseTable
  name: users
  serverName: authorization-cluster
  preferredImplementation: MariaDB
  - name: id
    type: uint64
  - name: name
    type: string
  - apiVersion: myorg.org/v1alpha1
    kind: MariaDbDatabaseTable
    name: users
  - apiVersion: myorg.org/v1alpha1
    kind: PostgreSqlDatabaseTable
    name: users


apiVersion: myorg.org/v1alpha1
kind: MariaDbDatabaseTable
  name: users
  storageEngine: InnoDB


apiVersion: myorg.org/v1alpha1
kind: PostgreSqlDatabaseTable
  name: users
  partitionBy: hash

Note that we specified a preferredImplementation in this example, but the exact semantics are domain-specific. For example, for some resource types all available plugins may be used, rather than just one selected implementation. Also note that we do not necessarily need a custom resource reference for a plugin to be used, as the base resource spec may be enough. Furthermore, a plugin may support multiple custom resource references. In other words, the references are not mapped one-to-one with plugins.

Now let's walk through the example:

  1. Our Kubernetes operator starts up. Using the Kplug library it exposes a gRPC heartbeat server via a Service to well-known host name for Kubernetes internal DNS. For this example it's called database-table-operator.

  2. Our PostreSQL plugin starts up. For this example let's assume it's written in Python. Using the Kplug SDK for Python it exposes a gRPC server implementing the specific plugin API. It then schedules a heartbeat to continuously make gRPC calls to the operator at that well-known host name, database-table-operator, wherein it registers itself by name, version, plugin API, and address. In this case our address is database-table-postgresql-plugin. The operator now adds the plugin to its list. Should the heartbeats stop coming in after a configured time, the plugin will be garbage-collected and removed from the list, signifying that the plugin is no longer available (it was uninstalled or failed).

  3. The operator has set up a watcher on DatabaseTable custom resources and detects our users resource. It sees that there is a preference for MariaDB, but there is no MariaDB plugin in its list (no heartbeat from it), so it chooses the available PostreSQL plugin instead. It updates the DatabaseTable resource with that choice of plugin in its status area.

  4. Finally, delegation happens: the operator, using the Kplug library, makes a gRPC call to the PostreSQL plugin sending it our DatabaseTable resource manifest as well as its two references.

  5. The plugin reconciles the manifest using appropriate semantics. In this case it should check to see if the users table exists on the specified PostreSQL server, create it if not there, and if it is there ensure that it conforms to our column design, adding missing columns, deleting superfluous columns, and modifying the type of incorrectly typed columns. The code itself is very straightforward.

  6. The return value from that gRPC call minimally contains success/failure and error messages, but may also include other status, which may go into the base DatabaseTable custom resource or any of its references. In this case, let's say that reconciliation was successful and that we want to add metrics about the current number of partitions of the table and their use. These will be associated with the PostgreSqlDatabaseTable resource. The operator will use that return value to update the resources accordingly.


Why not use go-plugin?

go-plugin is great! But it's optimized for reliable in-process plugins. We needed a cloud native solution for Kubernetes that expects ephemeral resources (plugins that come and go).