
A Cog for RedBot that cross-posts Discord solutions to GitHub issues.

Primary LanguagePython

GithubSolution Cog

A cog for Red-DiscordBot that cross-posts solutions for GitHub issues from Discord.


GithubSolution requires a personal access token for authentication. Please use this guide to obtain one.

The personal access token needs repo scope.


All configuration is on a per-guild (server) basis.

field command description permissions
github_project !setproject namespace/project
!setproject tlkamp/githubsolutioncog
The project GithubSolution checks for issues. Guild (server) Admin.
github_token_var !settokenvar MYVARIABLE
!settokenvar GHTOKEN
The environment variable GithubSolution will pull the personal access token from. Bot owner.


To post a solution simply give the command:

# Syntax
!solution <issue number> <summary>

# Example
!solution 123 The user did not try turning it off and then on again.

