
Fullstack ND Logs Analysis Project

Primary LanguagePython

Logs Analysis Project

Gathering insights from a relational database via SQL queries and Python.


The Python code in reports.py makes use of several views within the news database. If the views do not exist at runtime, the program will create them.

The views created by the program are:


create view datereqs as
select date(time) as date, count(status) as reqs
group by date;


create view dateerrs as
select date(time) as date, count(status) as errs
from log
where not status = '200 OK'
group by date;


create view okpaths as
select path from log where status = '200 OK';


create view totalviews as
select path, count(path) from okpaths
group by path;


create view authortoarticle as
select authors.name, articles.slug from authors, articles
where authors.id = articles.author;

Running the Python Code

The project has the following structure:

├── README.md
├── code
│   └── reports.py
  • reports.py - the Python code that prints the answers to the questions above.

To run the code:

  1. Ensure the fullstack-nanodegree-vm project project has been downloaded.
  2. Ensure VirtualBox and Vagrant have been installed.
  3. Copy the reports.py file into the vagrant directory of the fullstack-nanodegree-vm project.
  4. vagrant up
  5. vagrant ssh
  6. cd /vagrant
  7. python reports.py or just ./reports.py

Understanding the Output

The output of the code varies slightly, depending on whether or not the views were created before the program was run (perhaps by running psql commands).

Both versions of the output are included: