
MVP for the kkh navigator

Primary LanguagePython


MVP/Demonstrator for the API endpoint of the navigator app

Map Overview

The map is a simulation of an urban environment. In this case, we choose to simulate a portion of SUTD.

There are two Blocks, and each Block has 5 levels. Each level follows a simple schematic.


naming, the following names are correct names for start and destination

## elevators
1.2elevator # elevator on building 1, level 2
2.3elevator # elevator on building 2, level 3

## corners
1.2corner1  # corner 1 on building 1, level 2
2.4corner6  # corner 6 on building 2, level 6

## classrooms
## each level have same number of classrooms and their position is also the same
1.201       # classroom 1 on building 1, level 2
2.510       # classroom 10 on building 2, level 5


## pathway between cls rooms
there is a weight assigned to every path, weight stands for time taken choosing that path
the large the weight is, the more time takes to finish that path.
for example the path connecting 1.202 and 1.201 is 1 unit.

## pathway between each elevator on the same blk
1.2elevator connects 1.3elevator is connected(we assume 1.2 is the lowest floor)
1.3elevator connects 1.4elevator and 1.2elevator is connected.

## pathway between blks
## there is only 2 inter blk connections
1. between 1.3elevator and 2.3elevator
2. between 1.5elevator and 2.5elevator

Running/Using the API

We use gunicorn to run our Flask API on: gunicorn -w 4 app:app

This exposes the API on localhost:8000. We then use nginx to expose the API on port 80 (HTTP). A sample config file is at nginx_site_config.

Test Query: http://ip/directions/1.2corner3/2.2corner4

    "direction": ["Starting from 1.2corner3 and go straight to 1.203",
                  "and then reach 1.2corner2",
                  "turn right and reach1.202",
                  "pass by 1.201",
                  "and then reach 1.2corner1",
                  "turn left and reach 1.2elevator",
                  "enter the lift and going down to 2.2elevator",
                  "exit lift then turn left and reach 2.2corner1",
                  "go straight and reach 2.213",
                  "and then reach 2.2corner4",
                  "You have reached your destination!"],
    "map_render": "b'BASE_64_ENCODED_PNG'"

Image can be decoded using online tools to test the encoding. Example of an image is:

