Renders an arbitrary number of lines (for meshes) or polygons (for rendering solids) using OpenGL.
Reads in a Utah teapot data file. The program may switch between different implementations using command-line flags:
./render.exe [flags]
[-m | --mesh]
: Display the teapot as a "wire" mesh. I.e., draw lines, rather than triangle primitives.[-f | --flat]
: Display the teapot using flat shading. I.e., for a given primitive, the normals are the same for every vertex.[-g | --gouraud]
: Display the teapot using Gouraud shading. I.e., each vertex is assigned the average of the normals of the primitives in which it is a part.
- A function to add a “line” or “edge” to the mesh, such that the vertices are not duplicated.
- A function to modify the position of a particular vertex, without disrupting the topology of the mesh.
- A function to retrieve the entire mesh in a data format that is consistent with it being passed directly into OpenGL.
- A function to add a “triangle” to the solid, such that the vertices are not duplicated.
- A function to modify the position of a particular vertex, without disrupting the topology of the solid.
- A function to calculate the normal to that triangle (and save it).
- A function to recalculate of normals for each triangle involved in vertex modification.
- A function to retrieve the entire solid in a data format that is consistent with it being passed directly into OpenGL.
Uses Angel’s vec.h tools to represent vertices and normals in 3D homogenous coordinates.