
Support for Big-TIFF

JiangXL opened this issue · 3 comments

I find that FileIO can load Big-TIFF directly without OME-TIFF. But OMETIFF.jl throw error ERROR: Big-TIFF files aren't supported yet. Could you add the support for Big-TIFF? Thanks!
(Now, I just change .ome.tif to .btf.tiff or others, which avoid load OMETIFF.jl)

The original design of the loading code in OMETIFF is not flexible enough to handle BigTIFF. You've might've found, which is my redesign that should be able to handle your file. I'm planning to refactor OMETIFF.jl to work on top of TIFF.jl (progress is being tracked in #12).

If you have time, could you try out TIFF.jl and report back if it works for you? You'll need Julia 1.4 and can install it by running the following command:

using Pkg; Pkg.develop(PackageSpec(url=""))

and use it

using TIFF

OMETIFF.jl v0.4+ now uses TiffImages.jl as its TIFF engine so BigTIFFs should work (plus a lot more!)