unusable Godot 3 to Godot 4 TileSet/TileMap-converter
Warning, this thing is probably not for you. I just try to create a converter based on a sample from https://github.com/GDQuest/godot-procedural-generation in order to save some manual work. This thing works only rudimentary. I put this under the MIT license, so feel free to mix and match to your own desires.
- Thomas
what Godot 4 RC2 does to tilemaps
Godot 4 RC2 currently does not handle tilemap conversion very well (RandomWalker Rooms.tscn from GDQuest's procedural generation course)
My converter does it a bit better
how to run the converter
run the script gd_converter.py either in the project folder that should be ported or use source and target dirs as parameters. If you want to try it, make sure to have a back. The target directory may overwrite files. Can't repeat this enough, this is not production code. No liabilities whatsoever.
known issues
Since I only worked on this tool until it did exactly what I needed, there are known issues I currently don't handle:
- does not work with tilesets which are a subresource. Simply save the tileset as seperate file (using Godot 3.5 of course) before doing the conversion
- might mess up other nodes in the scene. if this happens try to use a diff tool with the output of my converter and the output of Godot 4's converter. Or have the tilemap in a seperate scene for conversion only and drag it over in Godot 4.
- multiple collision polygons per tile do not work, only the first is preserved
most of the parsing of a tileset is implemented, known as missing:
- autotile bitmask reading
- texture offset (now called texture origin)
- additional physics info on collision shapes, also shape transform
writing tilesets:
- figured out most of the uuid stuff, leaving it out for external resources since it's likely not gonna be correct anyway and Godot falls back on the path then
- tilesets are already quite usable
- autotiling information is still not preserved, but terrains are being prepared
- collision shapes are preserved, but most additional physics information is ignored, shape transform also
- first off: actually those are scene files with tile maps
- Godot does not convert tilemaps properly, only single tiles work, atlasses are removed from the tile data
- scenes can contain a lot of stuff I don't want to touch, I will do my best to leave it clean and workable at worst a manual merge with a version converted by Godot and a version converted by this converter needs to happen.
writing tilemaps (scenes with tilemaps):
- it works, for my little use case.
- in Godot 3 you could flip_h, flip_v and transpose a tile, now there are "alternative" tiles which can serve the same purpose, I did not care about any of it in the conversion. potentially I might later add translating flipping and so on to an alternative tile id, but then alternative tiles would have to be there in the first place