Baryon Bingo

A game of subatomic bingo where the winner is the first to get all the quarks to make their baryon!

Making The Cards

First you need to make your cards. Here are the baryon cards you need to make:

Baryon cards

and these are the quark cards you need to make (each stack contains about six cards that are the same as each other):

Quark cards


A person is appointed the 'caller', and they give a baryon card to each player. Then the caller jumbles up the quark cards and picks one at random and calls out which it is, eg. "red strange". If a player needs a Strange quark of that colour then she shouts out, "Bary!" and puts the quark card on its position. It may be that more than one person needs that card, in which case the first person to shout, "Bary!" gets it. When a player has all three quarks their baryon is complete and they shout out, "Baryon Bingo!" to show they've won. The final rule is that all the quarks on a baryon card have to be of different colours.

So for example, say we have a player called Florence, and she has this Baryon Card:

Lambda empty

Then if the caller says, "red strange", Florence shouts out "Bary!" and puts the quark card on its position so it looks like:

Lambda red strange

If the caller then says, "red down", then Florence shouldn't shout "Bary!" because then there would be two reds, and all the quark in a baryon must be of different colours. If she does shout out "Bary!" and she can't use the quark card, then as a penalty she has to give back one of her quark cards to the caller. Once Florence has collected all three quark cards of different colours the card will look like:

Lambda complete

and Florence shouts out, "Baryon Bingo!" and wins the game!

Technical Note

pandoc --standalone --output=README.html --metadata title="Baryon Bingo"

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.