Pydg is a pure-Python EdgeDB client. It is tested on Python versions 3.6+, on CPython and PyPy, and EdgeDB versions 1.0+. Pydg is distributed under the MIT Licence.
All bug reports, feature requests and contributions are welcome at
Import pg8000, connect to the database, create a table, add some rows and then query the table:
>>> import pydg
>>> # Connect to the database with defaults
>>> con = pydg.connect("edgedb://")
>>> # Create a Book type
>>> con.execute("CREATE TYPE Book {CREATE REQUIRED PROPERTY title -> str;}")
>>> # Add some books
>>> for title in ("Ender's Game", "The Magus"):
... con.execute("INSERT Book {title := <str>$title;}", title=title)
>>> # Print all the Books
>>> for book in"SELECT Book {title}"):
... print(book)
[1, "Ender's Game"]
[2, 'The Magus']
Install tox:
pip install tox
from thepydg
This will run the tests against the Python version of the virtual environment, on the machine, and the installed EdgeDB version listening on port 5656.
Run tox
to make sure all tests pass, then update the release notes, then do:
git tag -a x.y.z -m "version x.y.z" rm -r build rm -r dist python sdist bdist_wheel for f in dist/*; do gpg --detach-sign -a $f; done twine upload dist/*