
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Pydg is a pure-Python EdgeDB client. It is tested on Python versions 3.6+, on CPython and PyPy, and EdgeDB versions 1.0+. Pydg is distributed under the MIT Licence.

All bug reports, feature requests and contributions are welcome at http://github.com/tlocke/pydg/.

Build Status


To install pg8000 using pip type:

pip install pydg


Basic Example

Import pg8000, connect to the database, create a table, add some rows and then query the table:

>>> import pydg
>>> # Connect to the database with defaults
>>> con = pydg.connect("edgedb://")
>>> # Create a Book type
>>> con.execute("CREATE TYPE Book {CREATE REQUIRED PROPERTY title -> str;}")
>>> # Add some books
>>> for title in ("Ender's Game", "The Magus"):
...     con.execute("INSERT Book {title := <str>$title;}", title=title)
>>> # Print all the Books
>>> for book in con.run("SELECT Book {title}"):
...     print(book)
[1, "Ender's Game"]
[2, 'The Magus']


  • Install tox: pip install tox

  • Run tox from the pydg directory: tox

This will run the tests against the Python version of the virtual environment, on the machine, and the installed EdgeDB version listening on port 5656.

Doing A Release Of Pydg

Run tox to make sure all tests pass, then update the release notes, then do:

git tag -a x.y.z -m "version x.y.z"
rm -r build
rm -r dist
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
for f in dist/*; do gpg --detach-sign -a $f; done
twine upload dist/*

Release Notes

Version 0.0.0, 2007-03-08

  • First release.