Community channel #iso8583
Moov's mission is to give developers an easy way to create and integrate bank processing into their own software products. Our open source projects are each focused on solving a single responsibility in financial services and designed around performance, scalability, and ease of use.
moov-io/iso8583-connection is a package helping with sending, receiving and matching ISO 8583 messages between client and server. It can be used both for acquiring and issuing services.
ISO 8583 Connection package is used in production environments. Please star the project if you are interested in its progress. Please let us know if you encounter any bugs/unclear documentation or have feature suggestions by opening up an issue or pull request. Thanks!
Following options are supported:
- SendTimeout - sets the timeout for a Send operation
- IdleTime - sets the period of inactivity (no messages sent) after which a ping message will be sent to the server
- PingHandler - called when no message was sent during idle time. It should be safe for concurrent use.
- InboundMessageHandler - called when a message from the server is received or no matching request for the message was found. InboundMessageHandler must be safe to be called concurrenty.
- ConnectionClosedHandler - is called when connection is closed by server or there were errors during network read/write that led to connection closure
If you want to override default options, you can do this when creating instance of a client or setting it separately using SetOptions(options...)
pingHandler := func(c *connection.Connection) {
// send ping/heartbeat message like this
ping := iso8583.NewMessage(brandSpec)
// set other fields
response, err := c.Send(ping)
// handle error
inboundMessageHandler := func(c *connection.Connection, message *iso8583.Message) {
// log received message or send a reply like this
mti, err := message.GetMTI()
// handle err
// implement logic for network management messages
switch mti {
case "0800":
echo := iso8583.NewMessage(brandSpec)
// set other fields
err := c.Reply(echo)
// handle error
// log unrecognized message
c := connection.New("", brandSpec, readMessageLength, writeMessageLength,
// work with the client
Configure to use TLS during connect:
c, err := connection.New("", testSpec, readMessageLength, writeMessageLength,
// if server requires client certificate (mTLS)
connection.ClientCert("./testdata/client.crt", "./testdata/client.key"),
// if you use a self signed certificate, provide root certificate
// handle error
// see configuration options for more details
c := connection.New("", brandSpec, readMessageLength, writeMessageLength,
err := c.Connect()
if err != nil {
// handle error
defer c.Close()
// create iso8583 message
message := iso8583.NewMessage(brandSpec)
// ...
// send message to the server
response, err := connection.Send(message)
if err != nil {
// handle error
// work with the response
mti, err := response.GetMTI()
if err != nil {
// handle error
if mti != "0810" {
// handle error
To benchmark the connection, run:
go test -bench=BenchmarkSend -run=XXX
Here are the latest results on MacBook Pro:
➜ go test -bench=BenchmarkSend -run=XXX
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz
BenchmarkSend100-12 560 2019912 ns/op
BenchmarkSend1000-12 66 18435428 ns/op
BenchmarkSend10000-12 6 210433011 ns/op
BenchmarkSend100000-12 1 2471006590 ns/op
ok 7.784s
It shows that:
- time is linear (it takes ten times more time to send ten times more messages)
- 2.5sec to send/receive 100K messages
- 210ms to send/receive 10K messages
- 18ms to send/receive 1000 messages
- 2ms to send/receive 100 messages
Note, that these benchmarks currently measure not only the client performance (send/receive) but also the performance of the test server.
Apache License 2.0 - See LICENSE for details.