SDAP experiment with object storage and other technologies (, xarray...)
Applies simple algorithms on earth observation datasets
Read Cloud Optimized GeoTiff on S3 bucket
Manage S3 bucket with public access or with access keys
Manage datasets in any CRS (WGS84, UTM, ...)
Manage multi-band datasets
Algorithms managed:
- Spatial Mean: on a x,y,t range averages on x,y dimensions
- EVI: linear combinations of multi-band spectra
- python 3.9
- datasets on s3
Set AWS credentials in environment (see
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID={your key id}
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={your secret}
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION={your region}
The collection configuration should follow the template found on src/sdap/test/data_access/collection-config.yaml
Install and run tests:
pip install -e '.[dev]'
python test &> out.log &
Use command line
sdap --help
For example with EVI
sdap --conf ./src/sdap/test/data_access/collection-config.yaml \
--collection hls \
--x-range -71.24 -71.23 \
--y-range 42.40 42.42 \
--time-range 2017-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00 2017-06-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00 \
--operator-name EVI \
--operator-args '[[0,0,-2.5,2.5,0,0,0],[0,0,2.4,1,0,0,1]]' \
With SpatialMean
sdap --conf ./src/sdap/test/data_access/collection-config.yaml \
--secrets my_secrets.yaml \
--collection hls \
--bbox -71.24 42.40 -71.23 42.42 \
--time-range 2017-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00 2017-06-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00 \
--operator-name SpatialMean
sdap --conf ./src/sdap/test/data_access/collection-config.yaml \
--collection maiac \
--bbox -71.25 42.39 -71.23 42.42 \
--time-range 2019-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00 2019-02-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00 \
--operator-name SpatialMean
The resources needed to run the application can be estimated as follow:
- maximum size of 1 tile for each worker = T = 64 * x * y * t * obs dim, for example 643660366016 = 5Gb
- maximum size of the user result returned to the user = R = 64xytobs dims
- number of paralels workers: n
Total RAM = T*n + R
Number of CPU = n
Set minio server (not used in the development yet)
Standalone minio:
Server install:
brew install minio/stable/minio
Start the server
export MINIO_ROOT_USER=myminio
minio server /Users/loubrieu/Documents/sdap/minio --address localhost:9000 --console-address localhost:19000
brew install minio/stable/mc
mc --help
Create server alias:
mc alias set minio http://localhost:9000 myminio minio123AB
Create a bucket:
mc mb hls
Create a bucket:
mc mb hls
Copy some files:
mc cp data/hls/s1_output_latlon_HLS_S30_T18TYN_2019263_cog.tif minio/hls
mc cp data/hls/s1_output_latlon_HLS_S30_T18TYN_2019260_cog.tif minio/hls
mc cp data/hls/s1_output_latlon_HLS_S30_T18TYN_2019253_cog.tif minio/hls