Simple REST App


This is the implementation of the simple REST service written using Spring Boot Framework. JUnit and Mockito were used for unit testing. JPA and H2 in-memory database were used for storing entities. HTTP error handlers were added.



Endpoints for this API were created for testing purposes. They work with entities from LOGIN_COUNTER table, which consists of two columns:LOGIN(id) and REQUEST_COUNT. LOGIN_COUNTER table stores number of Users API calls.

  • GET /counters/

    Response example

            "login": "octocat",
            "requestCount": 5
            "login": "tlpchk",
            "requestCount": 2
  • GET /counters/{login}

    Response example (login=octocat)

        "login": "octocat",
        "requestCount": 5


Fetches data from{login} (e.g. and pass it in the response. In calculations field value 6 / followers * (2 + public_repos) is placed. When followers equals zero, then "Infinity" is returned. Every call to this endpoint will increment REQUEST_COUNT value by one in LOGIN_COUNTER table for corresponding LOGIN.

  • GET /users/{login}

    Response example (login=octocat)

        "id": 583231,
        "login": "octocat",
        "name": "The Octocat",
        "type": "User",
        "avatarUrl": "",
        "createdAt": "2011-01-25T18:44:36Z",
        "calculations": 0.015251653268933296

Remarks and possible improvements

  • Docker container could be specified
  • Integration tests should be added
  • In-memory database could be changed with the persistent database
  • User authentication could be added to the LoginCounter API