
🎯 :school_satchel: Materials for a full-day workshop on Targeted Learning with the tlverse at the 2019 Atlantic Causal Inference Conference

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ACIC 2019 tlverse workshop

Travis-CI Build Status Note: travis-ci currently deploys the developmental version of this workshop handbook into the gh-pages branch of this repository, which is hosted by GitHub Pages at https://tlverse.org/acic2019-workshop.

The workshop materials are automatically built and deployed using Binder, which supports using R and RStudio, with libraries pinned to a specific snapshot on MRAN. An RStudio session, pre-loaded with all the materials, is available via Binder

Welcome to the GitHub repository for the full-day workshop The tlverse Software Ecosystem for Causal Inference, given at the 2019 Atlantic Causal Inference Conference. Note that these materials are based on an early draft of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the tlverse, or a Targeted Learning Practitioner's Handbook, by Mark van der Laan, Alan Hubbard, Jeremy Coyle, Nima Hejazi, Ivana Malenica, and Rachael Phillips. For a work-in-progress draft of the unabridged book, please see https://tlverse.org/tlverse-handbook or the associated GitHub repository: https://github.com/tlverse/tlverse-handbook. These workshop materials are built using RStudio's bookdown package; for more information on how to use bookdown see bookdown.org.